Page 126 of Valkyrie Renewed
I gazed up at Diego and noticed something I hadn’t before with his eyes. Silver flecks broke up the brown depths. “Your eyes have changed.”
He brushed the back of his hand along my cheek. “In a bad way?”
“Not at all.”
I startled when someone knocked on my door frame and shot up, covering my chest. I relaxed, seeing Aya. We’d seen each other naked on many occasions, so I never felt ashamed with her around. Now, awkward being seen naked with two men on my bed? That was another thing entirely. Especially with the shit-eating grin she had. Even without being caught in this position, she’d know exactly what had transpired in this room. Having a god friend with a domain that crossed into sex was not very convenient.
“What do you want?” I grumbled.
Her grin deepened. “You know I wouldn’t interrupt your post-coital time if it wasn’t important. Though, you could have done me a solid and sent some power my way in thanks for all I’ve done for you.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ll do a blood ritual. Those are better for you anyway.”
She may qualify as a sex and fertility goddess, but she was a war goddess first.
Aya winked. “I knew you loved me.”
“Now, what do you want?” I repeated.
She sobered. “I’ve got those answers for Diego. She’s downstairs.”
Diego sat up. He was a little more modest in covering himself. “She?”
Aya’s attention went to his arm. “I can see there’ve been some new developments. She’ll be better at explaining what’s going on.”
Her avoidance of who this “she” was didn’t sit right with me. “We had a situation earlier.”
She nodded. “Ùna already informed me what happened. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help. Convincing her to come here was more difficult than I had hoped.”
“Who is this she, Amiga?” Diego asked again.
Aya shook her head. “You’ll understand in a moment. I’ll leave you all to get dressed.”
“What was that about?” I muttered when she disappeared from the doorway.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it,” Diego said. “I get the feeling she might have known this would happen with me.”
I looked at Tyr. “What do you think?”
Tyr pursed his lips. “I don’t think this is anything nefarious. That’s not her. We both know that. But Aya does have her secrets, and if she was willing to go through the lengths she did to hide you away from the world, I’m sure she’s got other things going on in the background as well.”
I nodded. That was my feeling as well. Even if Diego was right, and Aya knew or even just suspected this would happen, she wouldn’t have kept the truth from him unless she had to. Not with everything that’s been going on lately.
Diego slid off the bed and retrieved me a towel, helping me clean up before throwing on his discarded clothes and slipping out to snag a shirt. Tyr dressed as well, but didn’t have a shirt.
“Are you allergic to shirts right now?” I teased as I rummaged through my dresser.
He chuckled. “Ùna didn’t retrieve me one when she fetched me clothes so I could change out of my wet ones.”
I paused and then nodded. That was right, he’d been thrown into the lake. “My guess, she did it on purpose.”
Tyr laughed. “Of course she did. She was getting impatient about us being together again.”
I shook my head and pulled a tank top over my head. “I think she’d about die if you took as long as the last time. I know I had back then.”
He blew out a breath. “You were so convinced my attempts to befriend you first meant I didn’t want you. I didn’t understand that.”
I laughed and turned to face him, a cute pair of shorts in my hands. “The ironic thing, past-me would have been happier if you hadn’t taken your time, but me now, if I didn’t have these memories of us, I’d definitely have expected us to build that longer friendship first.”