Page 43 of Valkyrie Renewed
“Why type of chair is this?” he asked, looking over the pattern.
“They’re Adirondack chairs. We make them a lot, but usually sell them or auction them off. I’ve always meant to make them for use here.”
Tyr lifted one of the planks. “I don’t know what kind of chair that is, but would you like assistance?”
I smiled. That sounded nice, actually. “I’d be happy for some help holding these down while I trace the patterns.”
Tyr grabbed the boards to line up while I pulled out the templates and a pencil. Each plank was enough for me to mark out a few pieces, and with Tyr’s help the task was much easier—when he wasn’t messing with my pencil.
I laughed and smacked his arm away when he nudged the top of my pencil again. “If this trace ends up wonky, it’s going to your cabin.”
He smirked. “Fine by me.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, trying my best to fend him off while finishing these last few stencils.
“There,” I announced. “Finished.”
I’d traced out enough for four chairs to start me off with this project. That’d cover two cabins if I did two per building, which was ambitious for me to do alone, given we had twenty-four buildings.
Tyr peered over my shoulder. “Hmm.”
“I believe that means this is Witcher approved.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
I stared up at him, eyes wide. “What? You’ve never watched the show?”
Tyr shook his head.
“Played the games?”
“I don’t know what you mean by a game.”
How is that possible?“You’ve surely at least read one of the books?”
He shook his head again.
“This is a crime.”
He chuckled and plucked my pencil from my hand. “A worse crime is this wiggly line here.”
I gasped and looked down at the line he was reaching for. “It’s not wiggly!”
Tyr traced my line. And not well.
“Now it’s wiggly.”
“Now it’s perfect.”
I rolled my eyes and tried to snag my pencil back. Unfortunately, he had good reflexes and kept it out of my reach. I even jumped for it while he dangled it above my head. “Tyr, give it back.”
He snickered. “I don’t think you’ve tried hard enough to reclaim this.”
I pursed my lips. If he thought this would work, he was wrong. I had no issues playing dirty.
Tyr teasingly wiggled the pencil.Yup, he’s sealed his fate.
My shoulders drooped, and I puckered my lower lip as I glanced up at him. Tyr froze. My inner evil-self did a little dance while I kept up the pleading puppy face. “Please, Tyr?”