Page 45 of Valkyrie Renewed
I opened my mouth to speak, but as my eyes met his snaring blue irises, my words died on my lips. Tyr dipped down, and his lips brushed mine, his beard tickling my skin. I sucked in a startled breath, his intoxicating aroma of spice and musk enveloping me, but didn’t pull away. I should. I knew I should stop this.
But as his firm lips pressed against mine, deepening the kiss, the only desire I had was to peel off his clothes and fall together in passionate bliss while exploring each other’s bodies with greedy hands.
My hands slid up his chest, tremors of raw desire coursing through my entire being. My heart beat louder until it echoed in my ears, drowning out every thought beyond my growing need. Familiarity raced through me, as if I knew this touch—this feeling with him.
Dirty images of us together invaded my mind—of how easily he could bend me over the table, or of me slipping my fingers under his shirt, exploring the hard lines of his body and tracing his scars while I kissed him, lower and lower.
I clamped my thighs together, trying to quell these sensations.
Tyr pulled away, drawing my breath with him. “I’ll see you at dinner, Valkyrie.”
I said nothing, my mind hazed. My heart beat hard in my chest, and I placed my hand over it. His words—thatword—wrapped around me like a comforting, protective blanket I didn’t know I needed.What is going on with me?
I shook myself and grabbed a broom. I needed to get a hold of myself. That wasn’t appropriate for me to allow. But even though the chastising thoughts floated through my mind, my heart beat louder. He was interested in me, and for some reason, my heart was already yearning for a man I didn’t know, but also felt like I did.
Someone knocked on a door frame. I whirled around to find Diego leaning against it. Dirt coated him from head to toe.
“Finally got your attention,” he said while smirking.
Heat prickled my cheeks. “Sorry. Lost in thought. Welcome back. Did you have fun?”
Diego nodded and showed himself in. “It was a good day. Andrew ate shit and then had to chase his bike down a hill after he failed miserably, trying to show off for hisnovia.”
My head flew back with my laughter. That didn’t surprise me one bit. Diego always had a good story about Andrew every time they went out. He was always doing something stupid on these excursions.
“Would have been better, though, had you gone.”
I shook my head and held up a hand. “Oh no. You know I don’t even have a fraction of the skill you all have to remotely keep up.”
“Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want you there.” He wrapped his hand around the handle of my broom. “Why don’t I help you? You can tell me what kind of trouble you got into.”
I chuckled. “I behaved.”
“Uh huh, sure.”
I rolled my eyes and fetched a second broom while showing him what I’d gotten done.
Chapter Ten
Oil poppedand then sizzled upon contact with the folded and filled dough I gently slid into the pan. My body swayed along with the soft music played from the Bluetooth speaker.
I scooped out the turnovers when they were golden brown and deposited them on a waiting paper towel to soak up the excess oil before coating them in cinnamon sugar. While I got my next batch ready for frying, someone walked into the room. I spun around, hope blooming it was Astrid. I should have heard her returning home, but I could have missed the signs.
That hope plummeted at the sight of Tyr. He chuckled. “Am I that much of a disappointment?”
I shook my head. “I thought you might have been Astrid trying to sneak past me and Angel.”
Angel huffed from her spot on the couch. She always got mopey when Astrid left her home. I understood her sentiments. Astrid had only been gone a few hours, but it felt like an eternity today.
He touched his chestnut hair. “Sorry, no red in these locks.”
I laughed and went back to cooking.
“Where is everyone?” he asked, grabbing a glass from a cupboard and filling it with water before helping himself to the fridge.
“Raeni is out with friends, Carrie is doing laundry, I think.”