Page 72 of Valkyrie Renewed
A powerful sensation rolled through me. Determination, most likely. I felt it as strongly as my conviction to become a Valkyrie.
“Astrid, be careful what you say,” Diego said. “Don’t go down a path you can’t come back from.”
I turned my attention to him, trying to keep my anger in check. It wasn’t like he was telling me to forgive Loki. “He killed Baldur. I can’t let him get away with that.”
“She’s also just sworn a blood oath,” Tyr said.
We both looked at him, and he pointed at my hand. Blood oozed where it appeared some glass had managed to stick to me, and in my anger, I squeezed down on it.
“She’ll now have to avenge Baldur, one way or another.”
Diego frowned, and Aya gave him a sympathetic glance. “We know you’re not a fan of violence, Diego, but this is our life. We’re at war, and Astrid chose this path. It’s what you’ve agreed to by sticking with us.”
Diego sat back against the couch. He didn’t like it, but Aya had a fair point.
I picked at the glass shards while fighting off Angel’s attempts to lick my hand, watching as the small cuts healed up quickly on their own. “I can’t say killing sits right with me in this life, but I’ve killed a lot before in my past. And that past part of me demands justice.”
“Good to hear,” Kirby said. “Azzie, one of the other Valkyries, is currently hunting Loki. He’s got it out for her because they’re connected by a prophecy. Her two protectors, Zeke and Davyn, while sometimes difficult to work with, would probably be grateful for the help getting rid of the Loki problem.”
“Davyn…” I murmured. “I know that name.”
“He’s an old ally of ours,” Tyr said. “An immortal bear Berserker.”
Berserkers were… warriors who took on the shape of werebeasts, like wolves and bears. That’s what my memories told me, at least.
“Starkad was a Berserker…” I said, memories solidifying in my mind. I jerked my head up to find Kirby smiling. “You found him again, right? Aya showed me a photo of you, that I think also had him in it.”
She chuckled. “Oh yeah. Long, complicated story, but yes. He’s gone through some changes, but he’s still the same pain in the ass.”
“And here I thought you enjoyed the pain in the ass he offered.”
She and Aya laughed while I smirked. That may have come a little too easily off my lips, but I was getting used to my situation, little by little. I was sure this would all be normal for me soon enough. I just needed some time. “I would like to see him and Davyn.”
“I’ll let them know.” Kirby glanced around the room. “After we clean this up.”
Aya flicked her hand, and the glass began piling up on its own. “I’ll work on fixing the windows and electrical wiring today. Last thing we need is for Carrie or Raeni to see this.”
“Or Sean,” I said. We could claim a wind burst, but that would only explain the windows, not anything else that I apparently damaged in my distraught state.
“You don’t have to worry about anything with me, dear.”
A muscle in my neck stiffened, and I turned to see Sean standing by the island with Buggy. But he looked different. More stunning?Are his ears pointed?
Sean smiled. “Your wings suit you, Astrid. It’ll be nice seeing you grow into them.”
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
He chuckled. “I’m not human, but an elf. Your family has made a great place here for me to live. I hope you can forgive me for the obvious deception.”
I nodded. “I think we can work through that with a friendly conversation.”
Sean smiled. “When you’re less overwhelmed. I had come to check on the commotion. There was a lot of magic and I was concerned. But it appears all is well, so I’ll take my leave again.”
He grabbed an apple from a nearby bowl and waltzed out.Okay, that was weird. Are all fae that way?Were elves fae? I wasn’t getting any memories to confirm or deny, so I’d have to make it a point to learn more actively. Maybe that’d help me remember.
Fen shifted out of his wolf shape. “Now that we’ve settled everything, can we talk about the giant dog thing in the room?”
“We’re not talking about your large tail.”