Page 85 of Valkyrie Renewed
I cocked my head and paused my touch when my fingers reached her hip. A still healing, yellowish bruise peeked out of her waistband. My eyes scanned her body, finding another one around her ribs, and one more on her forearm. My gut clenched—not because of the forearm bruise, but because of the other two.
Astrid had been wearing a t-shirt that covered her stomach when she had come in after her training. I couldn’t see these bruises, and yet, they matched the exact placement when I’d pictured her stripping down. How was that possible? Maybe I’d finally cracked after everything I’d been exposed to. I wouldn’t be surprised.
“I see her training has caught up to her.”
Aya’s hushed voice made me jump. We both flinched when Astrid grumbled in her sleep, but luckily she didn’t wake up, and instead snuggled into me more in sleepy protest.
I let out a quiet breath. “Don’t do that, Amiga.”
She shot me an apologetic look. “Didn’t mean to startle you. How long has she been out?”
“Maybe ten minutes. I made sure she took a relaxing bath and got some food in her before popping the movie in.”
Aya smiled. “I can always count on you to make sure she’s taken care of, even when she insists on pushing herself too far.”
“So, her extra-hard practice was her idea?”
She nodded. “She just wanted to keep going, so I figured we might as well see what would happen. When she uncharacteristically opted not to watch Fen and Tyr beat the snot out of other immortals at the fight pit, I knew she’d pushed herself past her limit.”
I ran my fingers through Astrid’s hair. “We’ll just have to find another time for her to experience that.”
Aya smirked. “I’ll let everyone else know to be mindful, so she gets her rest. I presume you’re fine staying right there?”
“I’ve got my movie and the perfect woman sleeping in my arms. As long as Angel doesn’t require me, I’ve got no plans to move.”
The dog in question lifted her head up from where I’d made her a comfortable bed of blankets and pillows and yawned before snuggling back in.
I chuckled. “And I don’t think she’s interested in going anywhere right now.”
“Well, that’s good. Hopefully she’ll bother me first, so you don’t have to disturb Astrid. She needs the rest. I’ll be in my room doing some work if you need me.”
“Wait, Aya,” I said as she turned her back. “I have a question for you.”
She didn’t turn around. “Which side I’ve picked?”
I gauged her posture before speaking. “More of, what’s your angle? You’ve not been subtle at all about your attempts to get the two of us together since college.”Maybe even before that, when she was posing as Abuela Randi.“But I also know you haven’t dissuaded Tyr, either. And you even knew he was looking for her with the intent of trying to get her back. So, what game are you playing?”
“It’s not a game. I am a goddess of war and sex and fertility. They are my domains. It’s my business to see over many wars, and encourage all relationship possibilities, and have fun while doing it.”
She turned, her eyes a startling seriousness I’d never seen in her before. “But Astrid is different. She is not a fun game where I have no stake in the end outcome, regardless of the result. My angle is seeing her happy. I want her to make choices that ensure that outcome happens. I will offer her whatever advice she asks, without forcing an opinion or trying to sway her in one direction over another, because I can’t decide what will make her happy. I can only advise her on the two excellent choices in front of her.”
I watched the goddess closely. “What advice did you give her?”
“That she had four options to choose from.”
My brow furrowed.Four?“What are they?”
Aya grinned and turned away. “You already know them.”
She walked off without another word.I know the options?Sure, I knew of three. Pick me, pick Tyr, or neither of us. But what was the fourth? Both?
Everything in me paused. I looked down at Astrid’s peaceful form. Was that an option?
Chapter Twenty
The brush snaggedon a tangle in my hair. I grumbled and worked it out gently before continuing. I was trying not to rush, but I also didn’t want to be late.