Page 19 of Let Me
Now I have something to look forward to at the end of my day. I tuck my phone under my arm, close to my chest, before gathering the papers. I look them over quickly to be sure they are printed properly and head back to my desk. Dropping my phone off so Mr. Neal doesn’t yell at me for having it out during company time on my way past my desk.
His door is closed and he’s on the phone again so I knock softly.
“Come in,” Mr. Neal calls out.
“I’ve got the spec for the Lantern project,” I say tentatively.
“Set them down and then make sure we have everything needed for a scale mock-up model.”
With a quick nod as I turn on my heel and flee his mood, I breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t acknowledge me further.
Sitting down at my desk, I get to work on his schedule for the rest of the day, being sure to allow for A meeting on the Lantern project should he spring it on me. Before I know it, lunchtime rolls around and Mr. Neal barks at me from his office.
I jump in my seat and scurry to see what he’ll demand of me now. I get up and go into just the opposite side of his door not wanting to go any closer to him.
“Grab us lunch from the sub place.” He waves a piece of paper and some cash at me. I cross the distance while leaving as much between us as I can, reaching out to take them from him.
“Hurry back, I want to bounce some ideas around with you for my presentation.” His tone has completely changed from this morning and when he called me in here only moments ago.
I walk out, confusion swirling thick in my head. The rest of my trip is done on auto-pilot, my brain consumed with Mr. Neal's whiplash and enduring his mood changes.
Thankfully the rest of the day goes by without incident. I gather my stuff and head to the main lobby restrooms on the ground floor.
There are a few women lingering inside applying touch-ups on their makeup and gossiping. I go into a stall and do my business before exiting to the empty sink area. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I dab at a bit of smudged mascara and apply some tinted chapstick. Pinching my cheeks to add a bit of color to them before I fluff my hair under the hand dryer.
The noise of the air whooshing over my head blocks the door from opening and closing. Making me unaware of anyone until a warm body presses up against my ass. Two hands glide around my waist, tugging me into their groin. A massive erection pokes me in my ass cheek.
I flip my hair up in a panicked frenzy, going from bent over to standing too quickly. My head spins and I’m momentarily dizzy, which has me leaning into the body behind me.
I peer over my shoulder to find Mr. Neal with a leering grin on his face. His hot alcohol breath hits me in the face, and I gag at the stench.
“I knew you wanted me,” he pants down my neck as one of his hands moves up to grope my breast in a bruising hold. His other yanks me back, digging his dick into the crack of my ass as he grinds against my backside.
“Get off me!” I yell, fumbling to try and get his hands off me. When I can’t get his octopus-like hands from me, I use the sink as leverage and push away from it then quickly move up to gain some distance and possibly slip from his grasp.
Mr. Neal grunts when my sudden movements have me inadvertently elbowing him in the ribs. I don’t care, it works to my advantage as he removes his hands to shield his body from more harm. I rush to the bathroom door and out in a mad dash.
Relief floods me when I see through the lobby windows Alaric leaning on a dark town car parked at the curb. His stance is relaxed until he sees me and the panic in my every move and expression.
In a blink, his posture goes from relaxed to alert and on edge. The cool metal on my palms is fleeting as I exit the building and collide with Alaric’s safe embrace.
He wraps me up and I instantly feel better for it.
“What happened, baby girl?” He strokes my hair and cups my cheek with a beseeching look in his eyes.
“Can we just go?” The tremble in my voice has his lips flattening into a thin line of disappointment.
But he doesn’t push me. Without another word, he ushers me into his car and slides in behind me.
“Change of plans, Tony. Take us back to home.” Alaric’s words are clipped but I don’t have the mental capacity to argue.
We pull away from the curb and just as we do, I see Mr. Neal exit the women's bathroom, his face full of rage as he watches us leave.
10 Aftermath