Page 35 of Let Me
Sheila follows me out and takes her seat at her desk, ignoring me. Robotically I make my way down to my floor and send a text to the group thread.
:Elle:Can one of you come pick me up? I just got fired.
The ding of the elevator has me looking up from my phone and stepping out on my floor. How can everyone be going about their day as if my entire life hasn’t just been turned upside down in less than twenty-four hours?
My phone rings in my hand and I see it’s Alaric. I can’t talk to any of them just yet so I let it go to my voicemail but send another text so they know I’m okay but I can’t talk right now.
At my desk, there is a small box waiting for me to pack up my things. Not that I have much, just a small plant and some makeup I use for touch-ups. A couple of bobby pins and a lint brush roller. A blanket of shame and embarrassment engulfs me as I walk back to the elevator some people stop their work to give me questioning or looks of speculation.
I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but their condemning gazes make me feel like I have something to be ashamed of. The ride down to the ground floor seems like the longest one I’ve ever taken with it making stops on several floors before reaching the bottom.
Not wanting to be in the building for a second longer, I pass through the doors and sit on the curb, setting the box and my purse down.
Without any concept of how much time has passed, I stare off into the hustle and bustle of the city's traffic. Alaric’s presence beside me shocks me from my stupor. He sits next to me and pulls me into the safety of his arms. I rest my head on his firm shoulder and while I don’t know what I’m going to do I know that as long as I have him, Rhett, and Cade, I’ll be okay.
“I’m sorry, baby girl.” His words are full of sorrow. I shake my head, not able to form words in my mouth.
My phone chimes with a text notification and I look down at it to see several from all three of them. Knowing that Cade and Rhett are worried, I let them know I’m with Alaric and safe.
“Come on, let's get out of here,” he says, helping me stand. Always a gentleman, he picks up the box and my purse and leads the way to his car parked in a spot down a few spaces in the loading and unloading zone.
Alaric takes me home to my apartment and we spend the rest of the day watching trashy TV and eating ice cream. Neither have ever failed me in the past to help cure a shitty day. Since this is shaping up to be the epitome of shitty days, I’ll take all the help I can get.
When Cade and Rhett end their workdays, they both come right to me and Alaric at my place.
Rhett brings me in for a tight hug and says with his cheek propped on the top of my head, “We’ll help you fight this. What they’re doing is wrongful termination.”
“What?” I ask, shocked not even having consider that yet, “I don’t want them to get away with this, but I just want to be done with the entire situation and move on. I’ll think about it. I’ve already been looking for work and I’m sure something will come my way.” Even though I don’t really feel that way I fake my optimism for them.
“Well, go whichever route you want, pet,” Cade says, shutting down the argument I know Rhett wants to make.
21 New Opportunities
Not wanting to think about my current jobless situation anymore that evening I ask the guys, “Can we go to Embrace tonight? I want to go as much as I can while I’m paid for this month since I’ll have to cancel my membership.”
“We can go as much as you want, pet,” Cade says softly in answer.
I catch Alaric giving the other two a look before he masks it and gives me a blinding smile.
“I think that would be lovely,” He strides away to get my coat and purse, bringing them back.
Rhett tucks me under his arm and we all walk out, Cade locking up while Alaric pulls the car around.
In this moment of just Rhett and me, he asks, “Are you going to let this go and let them get away with firing you under those reasons?”
“Maybe, what is it going to change about my situation? I certainly don’t want to work for a company that has no moral footing in regard to its employees. But I agree they shouldn’t get away scot-free. So either way, I won’t be there,” I explain.
“Okay.” He lets the subject drop.
Cade joins us as Alaric pulls up. We all get in, with Rhett opening the door and letting me scoot in before joining me in the back while Cade climbs into the front passenger seat.
Once we’re at the club and have our first of the two-drink limit, Cammy comes up to us to chat.
I feel a bit better around her since she was so kind and stood up for me at the restaurant. It seems like we understand each other a bit more and developing what I hope is to become a real friendship.
Lost in my thoughts, I don’t hear Rhett casually mention I’m looking for a job.
“Really? Do you have any secretary skills?” she asks me.