Page 4 of Let Me
I’ve always been more of a clean, fresh scent type of girl and not attracted to strong smells that are overly feminine. I lean to my free side a bit to try and put some distance between us, trying to get fresh air that’s not tainted by her overuse of perfume.
“I’m Miss Camile or Miss Cammy.” Her hand hovers between us expectantly. I really don’t want to take it. The thought for some reason makes my skin crawl. There is something about her, despite her blatant beauty that rubs me the wrong way. I just don’t know how to convey to her I’m not interested without it coming off as rude or disrespectful.
“Hey, Cammy. How’s the boutique?”A man with broad shoulders comes up to us. His dark hair has a slight wave to it and his brown eyes are warm and when they land on me, I can feel them to the deepest parts of my being.
“Hello, Everett. Turning a profit as usual,” Miss Cammy answers, her attention is successfully diverted. She drops her hand, making the awkwardness of me not taking it dissipate. But the look of mild annoyance on her face says she’s not happy about the intrusion. “How’s trading?”
“Lucrative,” he answers while holding my eyes. I’m afraid to look away until he cocks his head in question and I remember that subs don’t usually hold eye contact like this with a Dom.
I quickly drop my gaze and stare at his polished black shoes.
“Who might this intriguing sub be?” Everett asks me with his pointer and middle finger lifting my head, making me look him in the eye. “Look at me when I’m talking to you, pet, yes?”
“Yes.” The word slips through my lips wanting to please him.
“What’s her name, Cammy?” he asks our other companion.
“I was just about to ask her the same when you strolled up,” Cammy says with a slight sneer in her tone.
“Oh, so this is an initial meet?” Everett’s eyes get an intense light in them, like he’s found his next meal and I have a sneaking suspicion it’s me.
I swallow down the new nerves that have come up with his obvious interest.
“Elli,” I breathe out.
“That sounds like a child’s name. What's your full name?” Cammy asks, insulting my nickname. Any tension that I managed to overcome snaps back with a vengeance.
“Cam! You’re being rude,” Everett admonishes her, pinning her with his eyes hard and unwavering. Even she shrinks under his look. “I think Elli is a beautiful name but I would like your full name so I can look over your file. With your permission, of course.” He says the entire thing to me but never takes his eyes off Cammy.
“Elizabeth Bennet.” Offering me his hand, I accept and slip my slim one in his large firm hand. His fingers are warm on my skin, with the pads of them rough from use.
“I’m pleased to meet you, Elizabeth Bennet.” The rough edges in his voice soothe something inside me and it’s like I was never on edge from Cammy and her aggressive attempts on me.
“Well, I can see that you two are hitting things off.” Cammy folds her arms over her chest and glares at the side of Everett’s head. “I’ll leave you to it.” Her bottom lip sticks out in a pout before she gets up and walks over to the other end of the bar.
“You do that.” Everett rubs salt in her wounded ego. Then to me, he continues by introducing himself. “I’m Everett Green.”
“You are brave,” I blurt out.
“How would you know?” He lifts an eyebrow with his question, still not letting go of my chin. Now that it’s just the two of us, he moves even closer to me and the heat from his big body warms my chilled skin.
“Miss Camile is intimidating and intrusive.” I gulp down the rest of how she makes me feel. Everett leans in so his handsome face with his sharp slashes for eyebrows and chiseled chin is almost all I can see.
With him this close, I can see amber-colored flecks mixed in with the dark brown of his eyes. It’s like finding golden gems tucked away for safekeeping. A single fingertip of his runs from the center of my forehead down the edge of my face and tucks some stray strands of my hair behind my ear.
“She can be but luckily I know how to handle her,” he whispers in my ear, his breath tickling the shell.
Ever so slowly he pulls back to his full height which is much taller than my 5’5’’ and offers me his arm.
“Care to get to know each other a bit?” He flashes me a smile showing his perfect teeth.
“I would.” Slipping my arm in his, we head to a table my drink in hand.
We sit down with Everett being a gentleman and helping me then taking his seat.
“So, what brings you to Club Embrace?” Everett leans back in his chair much like I would imagine a king to do when sitting before a court.
“The need for a Dom that can handle me and provide the structure I need but often push back against. Someone who I can share parts of myself with that I otherwise keep locked up tight.” I say way more than I expected. With an exasperated sigh at my forward answer, I pick up my drink and take a swallow.