Page 37 of A Twist of Poison
“Are you not able to handle your drink?” Texas mocked, but it felt like he was joking with me and not saying it with his usual style of anger.
“Don’t be dense, of course I can.” I turned to face him, another hiccup worked its way out, causing an unguarded grin to lodge itself on his face.
“You’ve got a pretty smile,” I complimented as I stroked my index finger along the curve of his firm jaw, admiring how drop dead gorgeous he looked today. Oh yes, those wings had me soaring.
His blonde hair was secured in a man bun and his beard neatly trimmed close to his skin, keeping the rugged look he had going on; he’d definitely made more of an effort. His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed before hardening, leaning back as my finger fell away.
“Desperate isn’t a good look,” he declared.
I sighed loudly, rolling my eyes at him, which he caught and clenched his jaw tightly once again. He was going to break a tooth if he kept that up. Informing him of this led to a snarl before stuffing his face with food to avoid the rest of the conversation. Preston snickered beside me, with Lee, Adam, and Daniel joining in. Even Hollis sat opposite cracked the tiniest smile before turning back into a concrete statue.
I ignored Texas’ brush off, not taking it to heart. His anger was always at the forefront of any interaction, his natural go to. Frustrating as it was, it was a part of him I accepted even if it annoyed the hell out of me at times when he tested my patience.
Preston and I exchanged subtle heated glances when others weren’t looking, a promise of more that I was one hundred percent down for. Now, if he’d just invite along his two bestest friends… we could recreate the classroom scene once again, but with more action involved. And if Texas and Hollis managed to keep their mouths shut and just contributed their bodies, I was positive we could all scratch the itch that felt like a constant undercurrent of sexual tension between us all.
And they said women couldn’t just enjoy the physical release without it leading to more.Please.
Why should women be condemned for having the same hungry sexual appetite as a man? Why was it frowned upon for women to enjoy a man’s willing flesh, with no other strings attached?
We lived in a world where even though women were cheered on and had become CEOs, top earners, and successful in their own ways within their own rights, we were still judged and underappreciated because we had a gap between our legs. Everybody applauded a strong woman until she stood up and projected her voice, then suddenly she had forgotten her place. She needed to remember to take a seat.
Yet a man’s sexual conquests were celebrated. He’d be awarded a high five and forever being known asthe man? Nope, not on. Any woman who willingly wanted to enjoy another’s body, to lose themselves to the pleasure it delivered with no strings attached, should be celebrated for the empowerment it brought her, her own choice, owning her desire.
As I fell into the festivities for the rest of the day, I exchanged pleasantries with other guests, even though I’d rather have hidden away from some of them. The alcohol was thrumming happily through my body. I relaxed somewhat amid the questionable company.
Three sets of eyes scorched lines on my body kept staring, keeping me within sight. Consistently those three, only them. Preston was an open book; I could tell he wanted to continue what we started back in my room the other week. He’d left before I’d woken up, and I was thankful he did as I was unsure how to deal with the after-effects of our time together. But now… now I’d had time to ponder over that, I wanted to fully embrace the pleasure and lust we could drown in together.
Hollis barely broke from his heavy observation of me. I clocked his eyes alight with hunger for a second before he shut that down so quickly, that if I hadn’t been looking, I wouldn’t have seen. I was positive he’d make an excellent stalker if he ever decided to take that unusual path in life.
And Texas, the angry comments he slipped into conversation over the course of the day made me realise he was doing it for attention. Every time I gave him mine, his eyes blazed. I could have thrown myself in the depths of his undiluted thirst and longing that flitted in his eyes even when his cutting remarks did the opposite. His emerald green eyes told the story. All of theirs did.
The acts of wanting and doing were at far ends of the scales from eachother. Would the fantasy of being fully sexually intimate with each of these men be all that it would come to? Or would reality allow me a little fun for a change, to bathe in pleasure at their hands and each moment I was with them, drown out the horrors of my real life? I cast my eyes over each of them as I hid the small smile playing on my lips. Reality, please.
Silence permeated the car whilehedrove. No music, no sounds. The eerie quietness made me nervous. He ordered me to get in, that we had someplace to be, and I obeyed.
By the look on his face, I sensed that I wasn’t in a position right then to question him—not that I ever could—but sometimes he’d entertain my curiosity by giving me explanations and answers. It all depended on what sort of mood he was in.
I cut a glance at him out of the corner of my eye to get a read on his body language and my body locked up in dread. His jaw worked side to side, grinding his teeth, and I had the feeling he’d held his tongue with his words.
Around thirty minutes later, he parked the car opposite a bungalow on a quiet residential street. My lips pursed.What the hell?I looked at him as he smirked.
“That’s the house.”
It took a few moments for what he said to filter through my mind. I unstrapped my seatbelt quickly, hand on the door to open as the locks made a noise of finality. I gritted my teeth, wild eyes flaring back in his direction and what he’d just dangled before me, and cruelly crushed within the same moment.Heartless.
“You’ll be rewarded for your compliance.” His hand gestured to the house across the road.Got it.I gnawed on my lower lip to stop the hateful words from being released.
We drove another thirty minutes back as he pulled into the underground parking for his building. Following his lead, I trailed behind him as he bypassed all the security features and we headed skyward towards the penthouse. He went directly into the unique room; my stomach dropped.
He clutched my arms and drew my wrists before me, latching black cuff bracelets on each wrist as I observed him locking it with a click. I moved my hand to touch it feeling the cool bite of the thick leather bracelet that spanned a few inches wide. A silver weighted embellishment that I didn’t recognise secured their placement—a tribal pattern of some sort.
Positioning himself back on my left side, he clutched my upper arm, hard. I flinched without thought as my clothing was stripped, leaving me in only my underwear. He guided me onto the bed in this room and I lay on my back with my face guarded. I was not letting any emotion filter through.
“Time to earn your reward, with what you do best.” He paused, smirking cruelly. “Submitting.”