Page 52 of A Twist of Poison
Goddammit, why’s my cock so hard?I wanted to punch myself for my body’s reaction.It’s just normal, it’s just normal…
She finished with an overly loud moan that made Ronnie and the other woman look over. Evidence of her arousal on my pants, I stood, pulling out the thousand I promised. She counted it and smiled. Ronnie joined me, with one last look at the woman who had now coiled like a snake round the middle of the pole upside down.Fuck me, she’s good.
“Why do you look so out of sorts?” Ronnie asked curiously, as we left the entrance, heading to the car.
A shiver worked its way through me and I slid into the driver’s side, waiting until he got in to answer. “I feel like I just sold myself in there, not the other way round.”
He passed me the hand sanitiser bottle from my glove box. I poured a load over my hand, getting the feel of that woman off me.
I even grabbed a napkin, poured some sanitiser onto it and scrubbed at the wet spot on my pants.It’s official, I’m whipped for a girl who, if she could see me now, would probably sneer at me in disgust.
Ronnie’s eyes twinkled in mirth, but I knew he’d do the same thing. Actually he wouldn’t let any of them get near, he refused to even touch his woman back there.
He hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose you did. It never was an issue before now…”Don’t I know it. “Don’t focus on that, more importantly, did you get decent knowledge in return?”
“Yeah,” I grunted, thinking through what she told me. It wasn’t massive or ground-breaking, but it was more information. A lead.
“So, are you seeing anyone at the moment?” I asked, placing the car in drive. I navigated the roads, not having had a proper conversation with him in a while, we’d been swamped. Our social time with our team had been cut drastically, and I was missing spending time with my extended family.
“You mean, like a therapist or hallucinations?” he replied completely monotone. I barked a laugh, catching a smirk on his face in response.
“Fucking idiot,” I stated as we drove into the underground parking lot for headquarters, making our way to the needed floor to divulge everything we’d learned.
“Why did you come tonight?” I questioned Ronnie while the elevator took us up to the relevant floor. He’d easily volunteered, and I didn’t mind, but usually you had to convince him.
He glanced at me. “Apart from holding your hand?”
Giving him a flat look, I said, “Apart from that.”
He smirked like he’d been holding something back. “Guess you could say I enjoyed certain aspects within my viewpoint there.”
Oh. Well, I’d be damned.
Humming to myself while I heated some eggs on the hob, I heard the front door open. I sighed, knowing who it was already. He let himself into my space all the time, giving me no sense of privacy. I guessed that was the point though.
I glanced up, seeing him advancing for me with a determined expression.What now?
“You fell right into the trap I laid out for you.” He smiled and stood over me. My pulse kicked up. I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that it was too easy.
I took what was offered and dismissed the thoughts. I was desperate for the information, for anything. I found it and wished I hadn’t. I never thought about how easy it was to access those files, with the pictures and long texts of information.I can’t believe my own stupidity.
Of course, I realised bitterly. Important information like that would never be left for anyone to stroll in off the street and find… and that’d been exactly what had occurred. It was a setup.
“Your daddy, huh?” He continued to smile, smugly. “Dean’s been with us for a good while now…” he trailed off and I tuned him out. Nothing could hurt more than what I already knew.
I pressed my lips together and held in the flinch that wanted to materialise. Thoughts and memories were battering against my mind so rigorously that all I wanted to do was slump down, crawl on my hands and knees and hide in the corner to protect myself against the onslaught of them. I wouldn’t though.
My mom may have been present in my life and loved me in her own peculiar way, but it was my dad who was the stable element in our family. In my life. The person who wiped my tears as I fell and scraped my knees, kissing them better. Even family betrayed you, those you have promised to protect, your own flesh and blood. Your own daughter.
Dean Rossi, the stand-up businessman, the loyal and loving father and husband who stayed in his own lane building up those around him instead of tearing them down, was involved in the same twisted business dealings ashimand the others.
When I visited the warehouse, I was shocked but not surprised at those who were involved. A man in a prominent position of power, the puppet master pulling the strings.
All of this, anything that had been done to me, was on his order. My virginity taken at fourteen, the hours of abuse I’d suffered at the hands of one of his men… the reason I fled this state, only to be followed there and leashed so efficiently that even returning to my hometown, the leash wasn’t loosened. If anything, it’d gotten tighter. Did the main orchestrator know abouthimtoo?