Page 56 of A Twist of Poison
Milla’s current lecture was about to finish. I was waiting for her, like some whipped pussy chaser. I wasn’t, but I still stood there even when my mind told me to leave. But my heart… that sneaky fucker wouldn’t divert from the course it set itself. With the end resulting in her.
Other students bypassed with a glance of curiosity at me but quickly diverted their eyes. Milla came bundling out in a world of her own as I stood purposely in her way. She bumped directly into me and cursed aloud as I grabbed her elbow to stop her from falling. She looked up at me and scowled. It was a cute look on her.
I opened my mouth to speak, but she got there first, making my eyes narrow.
“Let me guess,” she said, mimicking a deep voice with the next words. “Stay away from us Milla, leave the state Milla…” Pulling her elbow out of my grasp, she stepped back.
“No,” I huffed. I hadn’t said those words to her for a good while. I kept track, believe me. I just kept a safe enough distance until now.
Of course she’d bring up the bullshit I said in anger. I wouldn’t apologise for protecting my loved ones though, ever.
“Then what?” she questioned, tilting her head slightly to assess me. I allowed nothing to show on my face.
“I wanna take you somewhere. Come,” I commanded, walking off and hearing her moan loudly in annoyance.
Yet she followed all the way to the parking lot where we slid into the heated seats of my GTR. She stayed silent but alert. From what I’d noticed of her since she’d been back in East Bay, she’d gotten perceptive. Never as good as me, though. Sliding the car in drive, I swerved out the campus heading home.
Pulling into the driveway fifteen minutes later, I parked up, exiting the car. I leaned against the hood and she followed like a good little girl, leaning up beside me as I looked at my house, myhome. My pride and fucking joy, and without a second thought, I’d brought her here. To the place where I could be myself within its four walls, not having to worry about others and relax. It was a big deal to me, and from the tension in my posture, I think she understood the enormity of that too.
She looked directly at my house. “This yours?”
It wasn’t much to look at, compared to what she’d been used to, but I sensed no sarcasm, just genuine questioning. I didn’t have the deep well of money that was available to Preston and Texas, not anymore. Although saying that Preston had access to a deep well of money was half a lie, he did. He never used it and hadn’t for years after major issues between him, his dad and brother. Never touching the Lowell money, he preferred to earn it like I did.
My deadbeat dad squandered all the money, ran his businesses into the ground and made a mockery of the Davis legacy, leaving nothing for me to uphold. So, I purchased my house with my own hard earned cash.
“Yeah. It’s mine, Texas and Preston’s home too.”
“It’s lovely,” she told me. “Are we going to stand out here all day, or are you going to give me a tour?”
I was working up to that. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling from my mouth, I pulled the keys from my pocket and opened it up for her, allowing her to wander in first, straight through to the living area. I dropped my keys on the side table and followed.
Her bag was carelessly thrown onto one of the leather couches as she strolled around taking a mental note of everything, looking out the windows. Helping herself to water from the fridge, she settled on one of the island stools.Make yourself at home, why don’t you?But… it could be her home.Shut the fuck up.
I shook my head, subtly dislodging those thoughts, way too soon. Maybe not, though. Fucking little liar, twisting me up. I stood on the other side of the island just watching her.
“There’s not many decorative pieces,” she pointed out, not unkindly, just an observation.
What did she expect? Three men in their twenties lived here. We didn’t do pretty smelling flowers, or those overused motivational quoted pictures that said;if you can dream it, then you can do itorbelieve in yourself, and anything is possible. Fuck that. I tried to rein in the smirk at the thought of those hung on the walls. My team would rip into me for years if I displayed positive affirmation crap like that.
“What?” I joked, “I stashed the pink scatter cushions away quietly. Wouldn’t want my man card called into question.”
“Funny,” she deadpanned with a small smile. Any tension of her being here for the first time and me bringing her into my private space evaporated.
I was aware of the sly looks she had been giving me since I made her intentionally bump into me, checking me out. She thought I didn’t notice, but I did. I knew that she’d fucked Texas and experimented with Preston because we talked to each other, especially about everything that involved this girl. She had no idea the power she could wield over us.
As she finished taking a gulp from the water bottle, a small bead rolled down the corner of her mouth and I followed it hungrily. Stepping round the island, I approached her with intent. I leaned down towards that small bead of water and caught it with my tongue. She stilled. Licking a path to the corner of her pouty pink lips, her mouth opened slightly. I bit down on the corner of them gently, gnawing the flesh between my teeth before yanking myself back.Self-control, Hollis.
The essence of her was pure, bittersweet poison. But the poison never normally tasted so good. Looking into those violet-blue eyes, my nose brushed up against hers. I recognised that desperate need she’d been trying to hide but had failed.
“Upstairs now,” I ordered her gruffly. “Door straight ahead of you.” She licked her bottom lip, and my cock hardened even more.
Milla took the direction to the stairs and I took a second to appreciate that ass of hers.Mmm. I was selfish. I wanted more than just her pleasure. For now, I’d deal.
This house wasn’t what I expected. I didn’t know what my vision was though. It was so homey. Normal. Somewhere I could easily lay my head and unwind. I’d been fully aware of what I was doing when I entered his private home. I’d been feeling the sexual tension between us every time our paths crossed over the last few months. To me, it was inevitable.