Page 62 of A Twist of Poison
Thoughts barrelled into me. Yesterday… last night. Hollis, Texas, and Preston. I was draped over Hollis comfortably, just like he positioned me himself before I must have fallen asleep.
Shuffling slightly so as not to wake him, I winced from the soreness in my body. But it was a satisfying ache and one which I would never regret. It felt right, and they could deny it all they wanted to my face, I knew they felt the same way. I pulled my head back slightly to take a moment to watch Hollis sleeping soundly. The permanent hardened look that revealed nothing of his thoughts had gone, replaced by a peaceful and relaxed expression. I’d never believe his face could contort to it, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Laying my head back down, I closed my eyes, wondering how to wiggle from his grip to use the bathroom.
All of a sudden, the door swung open, hitting the wall behind with a bang, as Preston bellowed out, “Good morning, sleepyheads.”
I groaned. He waswaytoo happy this early in the morning. Hollis’ grip tightened on my waist, and I felt the rumble of his deep voice from his chest that my head laid comfortably on.
“Get the fuck out,” he uttered in a sleep muffled voice.It was sickeningly cute.
“Nope, breakfast is cooking. Get your lazy asses downstairs. We’re spending the day together,” Preston announced. Claiming my whole day away from me without a care in the world for any plans I’d had, was bold. Although I wasn’t going to complain, I couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do.
Moments later music from below cranked up, and the sound floated upstairs. Hollis and I groaned in unison realising he’d been deadly serious, and we needed to get up now.
“I don’t have any fresh clothes,” I murmured, remembering half of my clothes had been ruined.
“Go grab a shower. I’ll sort you some.”
I shuffled out from under the covers, my naked flesh on display. Ignoring the gaze searing into my back, I exited the room strolling down the hallway to the bathroom I spotted yesterday.
Quickly washing myself under the hot shower and brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush I’d found underneath the vanity, I wrapped a towel round my body and wandered back to Hollis’ bedroom finding brand new clothing with tags still attached, including underwear sat on the bed.Dammit, that’s so thoughtful.
I honestly assumed that one of them would throw some of their clothes at me, so I’d have to make do, but it was the little touches that displayed their caring nature and soft hearts, hidden behind what they showed to the world, that mattered to me.
I changed into the clothing that fitted me too perfectly and headed downstairs where they’d all congregated in the kitchen. I walked in, half hesitant.
“Drink?” Texas asked, as I hopped onto the bar stool at the island.
“Tea please, milk, no sugar.” I threw him an appreciative smile.
A full fry up was placed before me moments later, my hot tea following, I picked it up, blowing gently and taking a small sip. Looking around subtly under my lashes at them all now seated around me and the normality of the situation, it brought a contented wave of happiness and my heart squeezed to a painful ache in my chest.
We spent the rest of the day indoors, watching a mixture of movies, stuffing our faces with food. Hollis helped himself to a bright green drink that reminded me of the Wicked Witch of the West, downing it as I gagged in utter disgust at his apparent healthy smoothie.No thanks. Being between them all, surrounding myself with them all, felt like… home.
The days rolled into each other, the weeks passed by quickly as I spent most of my free time with the three men who’d, without thought, woven themselves into my daily routine and life.
They were always there and I never refused them or turned away from their attentive behaviour. Spending as much time together let us get reacquainted, one on one and all together, on a handful of occasions. Getting to know more about each of them individually again, I watched with rapt interest as they fluidly worked round one another, acting as if they were their own mini family. And I’d been the lucky one invited in.
I’d not seenhimat all. No visitations… nothing. It concerned me for several reasons, but a tendril of weight loosened from my shoulders at not being his main priority right now. I shoved it to the back of my mind to delve deeper another day.
Everything was okay, more than okay. And for someone like myself who lived in the here and now, that was all that mattered.
Brightened colours of budding flowers caught the rays of the warming sun. It brought a smile to my face as spring made a welcome appearance. It was my third favourite season. Fall and winter were firmly ranked as the top two. I loved the warmer weather but sweating it out going about your normal day-to-day tasks wasn’t a pleasant experience.
“What about this one?” Lizzie probed, trying on the millionth dress this hour. Don’t get me wrong, I loved nice looking clothing, but I’d much prefer to one click on the website and order it without the whole in shop experience. Alas, my best friend didn’t.
I tilted my head in consideration. “I like it, it’s not my favourite though. I preferred the jade green one before. It was your colour.” She huffed stomping back into the changing room, not liking my response, but she wanted honesty. She should have known she’d get exactly that.
“Why are you fussing so much? You look stunning.” She did. She was the opposite to me. Tall and skinny, whereas I was blessed with curved areas that made it hard to wear the exact same style. One shop is one size, the other another. It was messed up. Where I had mahogany dark brown hair, hers was a striking natural blonde. People paid for that hair colour, yet she’d been gifted it. Lucky bitch.
She appeared again with the floor length jade green maxi style dress on, and I smiled. That was the one. “I’ve been asked out on a date tonight.” She smiled happily as a blush crept up her cheeks.
“Ooh, who?” I quizzed. “You’ve been keeping that quiet.”
“Okay… so don’t freak out. Nothing is official as such, it’s just… we've been hanging out and keeping it on the down low for months now. But tonight, he wants to do the proper date thing, a nice meal and all that.” Oh, this mystery man. I remembered.