Page 64 of A Twist of Poison
There was no way to avoid this. Maybe it was inevitable. They couldn’t know. It’d been one of my biggest secrets; the fallout would be disastrous, for me especially. I knew what was happening. He’d be outing us, making me his only publicly as well as privately. He told me things were going to change a while back, so I assumed my flesh took the brunt of it. I underestimated him and believed it couldn’t get worse, because what more could he do to me?
This time, the aftereffects would be like dominoes tipping one by one. I’d never be able to come back from this, he knew it. He’d planned this meticulously to land with the winning hand.
Wiping all emotion off my face, I smiled at Preston who watchedhishands circle my waist, holding me to him possessively. This needed to be quick, before I broke and confessed things I couldn’t—wouldn’t.
I shrugged my shoulders as if this wasn’t any big deal, removing myself from the wall and standing to face him. I placed both of my hands overhis,as he stepped up behind me, confirming what it looked like. And internally breaking my heart in the process as Preston’s face morphed into understanding. I saw a sliver of pain flicker across his eyes before he shut down. His face became his well-known mask, his stance became intimidating and confrontational. Preston’s judgement had already been made, within seconds, believing he’d been played. If only he knew the truth.
When someone’s heart breaks, so does a piece of the world. It creates fissures and cracks within the earth to show us the permanent fractures.
“Adam?” Preston snapped, looking straight over my head at the man in question. Eye to eye, brown to blue.
He believed he was looking into the face of my boyfriend, my lover, the one I’d chosen and never thought to tell him,them,about. But he was looking at my worst nightmare come to life, who held the cards to my fate in his greedy, vile hands.
Yes… Adam.TheAdam West. Son of the crooked and corrupt Mayor, and close friend to Preston, Hollis, and Texas. One of the legacy kings.Once upon a time he was one of my best friends—just like the others—until he became much more.
His obsession with me became his greatest hobby, and breaking me was one of his greatest achievements. Because let’s be honest, I wasn’t the only one to suffer at his hands. But Iwasthe one who had held his constant attention, much to others’ disapproval.
Distance and money knew no bounds. Never was I able to escape him, he made sure of that. I tried so hard to. Yet he followed... by calls, messages, visits.
His advances made my life impossible, the harder I pulled away, the closer he reeled me in.
“How long has this been going on?” Preston questioned, voice tight and crossing his arms.
I’ve lost him, I’ve lost them. I know it.
I wouldn’t break, I refused to. I hadn’t come this far to just lay my problems at other people’s feet and beg for mercy.They can never know; they can never know…
Adam’s hands tightened subtly, a warning.Don’t speak. I could read him well, I’d had to. I kept my mouth shut because anything I said now was pointless. Useless. Not worth the oxygen it used.
“A few years, on and off. You know how it is.” His voice was calm, but I could detect the hint of excitement in it. He was taking immense enjoyment from this.
Preston made a sound in the back of his throat before cutting it off. He glowered at me with pure, undilutedhate.
I didn’t flinch from the turbulent emotions aimed at me. My eyes never betrayed a hint of the stormy feelings running riot inside.
I’m sorry…
I never meant to hurt you. I think it was inevitable though.
He tilted his head in thought, “Interesting… so that’s where you wandered off to for days at a time?” Preston stated, ignoring me but addressing Adam. “You went to…Milla.” He spat out my name in disgust.
“I did,” Adam confirmed. “Sorry I didn’t fill you in on the situation beforehand. We’ve been trying to work through some speed bumps privately, which has allowed us a bit freer rein.” He didn’t sound apologetic in the slightest.Free rein, ha. That’s a joke.
“So, I’m sure you can agree that whatever’s going on between Milla, yourself, and the other two can be drawn to a close now? Especially as we’ve sorted our differences,” Adam added, poking the beast some more. I could feel the tension radiating from Preston.
“That’s a given,” Preston drawled, looking me up and down, a sneer curled on his lips.
His attitude was what I’d expect of Texas. I guess this was a side of him I’d not had access to. Seemingly done with the conversation and whole situation, he slammed open the door. It hit the wall with a loud bang, making me jump.That anger…
“Once he runs along and tells the others, they’ll all know what exactly you are,” he mocked me cruelly, but I held myself together, I must. Hands landed on my shoulders, fingers dug in painfully as I waited until given permission to move. “They’ll know you’re a good little whore. But also, they’ll know you’re all mine, little angel. I can’t wait to see their reactions play out,” he gloated, happy to hurt people I believed to be some of his best friends.
“Why?” I murmured, letting the question slip. I had to know what had they done to him, for him to want to dig the knife in their backs so gleefully. Had there ever been a reason?Just why? Why?
He straightened. “Simple. You’re mine.”
When would I ever learn that I’d get nothing from him, unless he’d chosen to share it? And when he did, it was because it usually worked to his benefit. He had a plan, of that, I was sure.