Page 84 of A Twist of Poison
Point being, we only needed the two most important monsters to be dragged outta there alive. Alive but more than likely squealing like a pig in mud, in agony and maimed to perfection, and that was before we’d even brought them to our specialist rooms.
Unfortunately, the Mayor had to leave us for more interesting ventures, but we had the okay to take out his son. He was insignificant, officially. Police officials we trusted were prepared for the Mayor’s drop off. We’d handed them all the knowledge we had accessed, and they’d come back with one request: hand over the Mayor for further information extraction.
They also specified wanting some of his business partners, but we weren’t going to go out of our way to not kill them. I could live with that based on the fact the person who had personally offended me would be dealt his fate in part by me.Nobody’s gonna save you, Adam.
Three of us had a personal vested interest. As I looked over to my brothers, I sensed them mentally gearing up to take out bodies of those immoral individuals who supported and worked for that depraved business.
We crept forwards, all positioned with orders. Once we got inside, we would have to play it by ear and use every bit of the training we’d received.
We worked seamlessly as a cohesive unit entering the main entrance, disposing of a few bodies. Thomas manually overrode their security system allowing us entrance through the heavy door. We crept soundlessly down hallways that would lead us deeper into their territory, ingeniously hidden from prying eyes.
Dean relayed the location but also informed us there were no official blueprints other than the standard ones for the warehouse; they’d stealthily adapted it and nobody but those involved in their twisted business knew. We had no idea what we were walking into once we’d gotten past the entrance.
Suddenly, a loud wail of an alarm screeched through the area, and I pursed my lips. I guessed we had finally alerted them to our presence.
We needed to hurry. We couldn’t allow them the opportunity to flee.
Gunshots rang out, and one whistled past my head. Too fucking close.Concentrate!I pushed any irrelevant thoughts to the back of my mind and entered that zone. I pushed flat up against the wall and located the shooter, cleverly hidden in the shadowed corner, trying to pick us off silently one by one. What he didn’t realise was that we weren’t amateurs. I shuffled my position, aiming my gun as I waited for him to just move that tiny…
Bang!Easy. I watched his body fall lifelessly to the side, and shared a bloodthirsty glance with Texas. I stepped carefully forward on my guard with him having my six.
We swerved down long hallways that seemed to bend back on themselves. It was like a veritable maze unless you knew where you were going.
A creak sounded and I paused, stealing a look at Texas who’d done the same. Knowing as soon as we rounded this next corner, we’d have one or more soldiers awaiting us, I stepped slowly. I peered my head around the corner, and instantly snapped it back as another bullet flew past me.Headshot would have hurt.
A door wrenched open next to us, and an unsuspecting soldier appeared from the room, quickly realising he’d walked out at exactly the wrong time. I dragged his body in front of mine, lowered my head and moved us round the corner.
More shots were fired and they riddled his body. I kept the now dead soldier as my personal shield. Even if the bullets travelled through his body to mine, everything important was wrapped in my Kevlar.
I threw him to the side at a lull in their shots. I clocked mine and aimed true, taking two of them straight out as Texas dealt with the other three.
“You hit?” I asked him, concerned. Blood pooled at the top of his arm.
“No. Not mine, it’s where I slit a fucker’s throat and held him in place.”Good.
I strode down the hallway, coming across more doors and rooms as I went. I cringed at how big this warehouse was now you’d gotten inside.
A roar sounded as a soldier pounced from nowhere. It was as if this was his defining moment in a mediocre life. He knocked straight into me and I fell backwards onto the floor, my back jolted. Pain reared up which I ignored as he tried to gain position over me, to pin me to the ground. My gun clattered to the side of the hallway.
I flipped over and got to my feet in quick movements with him at my back. I pulled my knife out, but he punched me in the side of the head.Asshole.
My ears rang as my head spun sidewards, but fuck that, he deserved it now.Who uses fists in a weapon fight?Clearly he was unarmed, untrained, or just an idiot.
Grunting, I turned round. He stepped back with a wild helpless look, seeing the mean glint in my eye. I flicked open my switchblade and advanced, backing him up against a wall.
Scanning the area, I realised Texas must have gone off on his own tangent if he wasn’t close by. Not that I needed him in the slightest, but now I had this guy all to myself with no immediate threats.
He punched me in the ribs and I grabbed his scraggly hair. The sharp silver blade kissed the skin on his neck as he tried to remove himself from my hold with no luck. My grip was tight. All his wiggling did was press it to his flesh more as the sharpened edge cut lightly and blood rose to the surface.
I removed the knife from his neck and he peered at me with a genuinely confused expression, like he thought I’d be letting him walk away and leave with no retribution.
Just as quickly his face slackened, I slammed the pointed end in the side of his neck and cut through his flesh, releasing the hold of his hair. He dropped to the floor covering the laceration with his hands, frantically trying to cover the opening as he gargled his own blood.
Even like that, he could still survive and I was taking no chances. I casually flicked the knife closed and pocketed it as I walked backwards with my eyes still on him, bent down and sat the gun firmly in the palm of my hand.
“Night, night,” I goaded, my lips kicking up in a rare smirk. I pulled the trigger, and he thudded onto his back, the bullet hitting straight into his heart.
I heard the confirmation through the earpiece that Chris ordered us to wear, along with the matching mic, so that we could communicate.Got her. Thank fuck. We only used the comms if we had to cover a large ground area, but with unknown factors and not knowing the layout of the warehouse, we’d done it for safety. And to find her as soon as possible.