Page 22 of Armando
I back away with my hands up as I stumble out into the reception area.Shit. I don’t have an escape plan. I didn’t bring the iPad with me or the credit card.What the hell was I thinking?
“Your uncle has been looking for you everywhere,” Aaron continues, following me into the main lobby. “He’s pissed as hell, too. Shit, girl, I almost feel bad sending this text.”
My eyes snap to his hands, where he hits his phone screen a few times and then shoves it into his pocket. “No, please–”
“You know her uncle?” Armando yells from down the hall.
Wouldn’t he know that? Aren’t they working together? What the fuck is going on, and how did I misread Armando so badly?
My thoughts spiral out of control as my heart hammers painfully in my chest. I try taking a breath, but it gets caught in my lungs, making me cough and nearly black out from lack of oxygen.
I need to leave. I need to get as far away from this fucking place, from these people, from this goddamn city as possible. I need to disappear and regroup.
Throwing my weight against the front door, I fall outside, then scramble to my feet, somehow keeping my balance enough to run across the empty parking lot. I don’t know where I’m going, only that I’ll die if I stop.
“Allegra!” I hear Armando shout. “Allegra, wait! This isn’t what you think. You’re not safe here!”
No shit, Sherlock, I think bitterly. I’m not safe anywhere.
Despite my better judgment, I look over my shoulder at Armando, my heart splintering into a million pieces when his hazel eyes meet mine. Was anything he said real? Or did I swallow it up, hook, line, and sinker, like the idiot I am?
I’m jolted out of my pity party when I run smack dab into a solid structure. I nearly fall over, but someone grabs my arm, twisting it painfully as they pull me up.
“There you are, you ungrateful bitch.” Fear strikes my heart at the sound of my uncle’s voice, sending echoes of regret and panic through my body. “Get in the fuckin’ car and don’t make a sound. I haven’t decided if I’m going to let you live or not.”
I nod in defeat, letting him know I won’t fight. I know I can’t win.
He sneers at me, the sadistic sound coiling around my chest and squeezing until it feels like I’m breathing through a straw. Black circles dot the corners of my vision, and the last thing I see before I pass out is my uncle’s mottled face, bulbous nose, and yellow-ish brown teeth as he widens his smirk.
Aferal roar releases from somewhere deep in my chest. I grab the back of Aaron’s collar, pulling him backward and slamming that motherfucker to the ground. He coughs and sputters for air, and I kick him in the ribs as I step over his body and sprint out the door.
“Allegra! Allegra, wait! This isn’t what you think. You’re not safe here!”
My beautiful, broken angel looks at me over her shoulder, searing me with a look I’ll never forget. Pure betrayal bleeds from her gaze, a sorrow so deep, so heavy, I nearly collapse underneath its weight.
Still, I press on, needing to get her to safety. She can yell and curse and hit me all she wants as long as I know she’s out of harm’s way.
I pick up speed when I see a black SUV tear into the parking lot, and my vision grows red when a large man with a round, tomato-red face steps out. I open my mouth to scream at Allegra, but it’s too late. The man grabs her and shoves her in the car before I can do anything.
I pump my legs, willing the adrenaline to push me to superhuman speed as I chase after the vehicle. I’m aware of Valentino shouting my name in the distance, but nothing else matters. Allegra is in danger. I promised her my protection, promised she’d never have to go back to her uncle.
As the SUV turns a corner and gets lost in traffic, the realization finally sinks in.I failed her.
Black edges in on my vision as air saws in and out of my lungs. I reluctantly come to a stop before I pass out, doubling over to catch my breath.
“Armando,” Valentino says from right next to me. I didn’t realize he was so close. “What the fuck, man? Who was that? Why did you attack Aaron? Jesus Christ, are you okay?”
“I… Allegra… danger…” I huff, trying to put my thoughts into order. “No time.”
“Breathe, buddy,” Valentino says, patting my back. “That’s the woman who has you all messed up in the head? She step out on you or something?”
Despite the exhaustion currently overtaking my body, I land a solid punch to his left arm. “Never speak ill of Allegra again,” I growl.
Valentino holds up his hands and takes a step back. “I’m trying to figure out what the hell happened. Are we going after her?”