Page 6 of Vicious
Since her arrival at the clubhouse, Jules had spent every waking moment in the club’s garage working on any vehicle she could get her hands on. She’d already tuned up my bike three times and several of the brothers’ bikes. She changed out a radiator in one of the club SUV’s, saying it had a crack. She’d given every vehicle an oil change and even rotated tires. The woman knew her vehicles and bikes.
The one thing she didn’t do well was talk.
We all knew the Disciples of the Word compound held her captive until Bullseye and two others rescued her. From the state of her undress, it didn’t take anyone long to figure out what happened to her. Unlike the other two women who arrived with her, Jules flat out refused to talk about what happened. Instead, she stuck to what she knew she could do. Vehicles of any kind. The brothers said nothing, giving her a wide berth and accepting her help.
“Thinking about it.”
“Gonna leave your kid or take her back to that fancy school?”
“She wants to stay here.”
“I see,” Jules said, sighing as she looked distractedly about the compound. The place was hopping with brothers, women and children. It was nothing like the previous compound in California. I missed the old compound. This new place was more family oriented. I guess that was inevitable, considering everyone kept popping out kids. “She has people and kids around her Vicious. Then there is you.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
“I don’t know if I can do it.”
“Do what?”
“Give her a family.”
“Vicious, I hate to break it to ya, but your girl already has one. Look around dude. Everyone here is family. There isn’t a single person here who doesn’t belong. Even that cranky motherfucker and his foul mouth.”
I smiled at that. From the moment Jules met Matrix, they didn’t get along. It was like mixing oil and water or a lit match to a gallon of gasoline. We all felt the tension and hostility between them, heard their snarky comments to each other often. To the unsuspecting eye, it would seem that they didn’t get along, but I knew better.
Jules had always been a chill person. She let nothing and no one get the better of her. Yet, Matrix did, and often. Eventually, whatever was going on between them was going to combust, and none of us wanted to be around when it did. Jules wasn’t some wilting flower like some of the ol’ ladies. Jules was scrappy and knew how to swing a wrench. I’d seen her take out a few fuckers who thought they could tell her what to do. Jules was a beautiful woman, but fuck, did she have a temper.
“Let me ask you something, Jules. You’re a woman.”
At that exact moment, Matrix, Chaos, Slaughter and Digger all walked by as Matrix deftly commented. “I’m still waiting for the DNA results.”
The brothers burst into laughter.
Jules growled angrily as I tried unsuccessfully to hide my smile. Shaking my head, I knew Matrix was taking his own life into his hands with Jules. Even I knew not to piss off a woman with a wrench.
“I hope his dick gets infected with fleas.”
Laughing heartily, I got to my feet and headed back inside. There was no way I was going to hang around and listen to Jules and Matrix go at it again. I still didn’t know what I was going to do with Elizabeth, but just hanging with Jules for a few minutes got me out of my funk. Heading for the bar, I sat on a stool as Reaper sat down next to me, motioning to the prospect for a bottle of water.
My Prez looked better.
Had to admit, I was worried there for a while, especially when his drinking got out of hand, but ever since Remi’s accident, the man had seemed to calm a bit. Ghost was still acting Prez while Reaper got his head on straight and took care of Remi. The club was calming down once again. The threat of Satan’s Angels still hung over our heads, but we didn’t let any of that shit bother us. We continued on our golden path wherever that took us.
“You get with Matrix about what you want to do?”
Fuck me.
I forgot about that.
About two months ago, before the shit with Satan’s Angels started, Reaper told all the brothers that he wanted us to make roots here in Tennessee, which meant he wanted all of us contributing somehow to the community. Whether we worked in the garage, helped Ravage and his construction crew, or came up with something on our own, it didn’t matter. Several of the brothers were starting up new businesses, while others worked in the clubs’ established businesses. I still hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do because my first inclination was to jet off and disappear for months.
“No,” I groaned, as one of the new prospects handed me a beer. God damn, the new prospect was a baby. Fuck me. I felt old. The kid was solid and did his job, but he was young.
A lot younger than me.
“Look Vicious, I know you’re richer than God. Why don’t you put some of that money to good use? There has to be something you want to do.”