Page 9 of Vicious
“I know, but she found a judge who is listening. Then there is Peter.”
“What about him? He’s in jail for murder.”
“Not for long. Look Linsey, I can’t explain everything right now, but I need you to take the girls with you when you head back to the compound. They will be safe there. I’ve vetted every member of that club. They may be rough, but they will move heaven and earth to protect those girls. Plus, there is a brother there with a knowledge of who they truly are. His family once supplied the stones for Duchene International. He will help. I know he will.
“A Mr. Van Otto.”
“His club name?” I asked, frustrated. I didn’t want to burden the club with my drama. They already had enough on their plate. Plus, there was the problem with where I was living. The cabin the club provided me with was small. Like barely big enough for me, let alone three little girls.
“Linsey, with all the press the Golden Skulls have gotten lately, no one is going to believe those girls are in danger. If anything, they will think the club is protecting them.”
“What is really going on, Alex?”
All I heard was a dial tone. Looking up, I saw Sarah walk out with her carry-on and her purse. “Sarah, please. What is happening?”
Throwing her belongings in the vehicle, she turned to me and said, “Peter is telling everyone who will listen that he found Davy dead. That he didn’t kill her. He is also saying that you had motive and opportunity to kill your sister. He’s claiming you were jealous and wanted the money.”
I shook my head. That wasn’t true. I wanted nothing to do with the Duchene name. I even changed my last name to Adams so I could have a normal life. My inheritance sat untouched in an account. I never took a dime.
“He’s also claiming that Davy informed you she changed her will before she died, giving him full custody of the girls. He’s saying you kidnapped them.”
“He’s lying,” I muttered, shaking my head.
“I know. We all know this, but there are people in Denver who are listening. Until I clear this mess up, you need to take the girls and do what Alex said. We’ve verified the club and all the brothers. Take away the fact that those men are bikers and they are nothing but hardworking, honest men who love their families. You can trust them, Linsey. Trust Matrix. Tell him. He will help and find out who this Van Otto guy is. He can also help.”
I stood rooted in place as I watched Sarah pull out of the driveway. She wasn’t coming back. I knew this situation was only temporary, but I thought I would have more time. I just wished I had prepared better. I never wanted to think about what would happen if my sister died. I couldn’t. Now that it had happened, I was at a loss. Hearing my nieces, I hurried into the small house and smiled as two of them looked over at me and grinned, while the baby lay sleeping in her carrier.
What the hell was I going to do now?
It was just after one in the morning when I walked into my small cabin like house and flipped on the tiny lamp sitting near the couch in my living room. I was bone tired, but it was done. I had packed all their belongings and made sure the rental was spotless before I placed the girls in my SUV and drove away. I even left next month’s rent on the kitchen counter with an apology to the landlord for the inconvenience I put him in.
In the end, all that mattered was that the girls were safe.
“You gonna be my new momma, aunt Linnie?”
That was a good question as I looked at the three of them. Ages six weeks, two and four. Stairsteps. All girls and they were now mine. Instead of playing with dolls and watching princess movies without a worry in the world, I uprooted their lives again because I didn’t prepare better. Still making mistakes, I wondered when I would get it right. I did not know what I was going to do with them come morning. I couldn’t just leave them in the small one-bedroom cabin I lived in on the club’s property. It was too late for me to call Matrix and tell him I needed a few days off. Even if I did, he would want to know why? What would I say?I inherited my dead sister’s three kids before leaving Denver. Oops, my bad. Sorry, I forgot to tell you.
It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Matrix and those around me; it was the fact my mother ingrained into me not to trust anyone who wasn’t family. These babies were mine and without me, they wouldn’t have anyone. As it was, I damn near got caught sneaking them into the compound when a brother named Sandman saw me carrying Bri in my arms into the house, along with Charlie sleeping in her car seat.
The only problem other than figuring out how to tell Matrix was keeping their identities a secret and keeping them safe, hidden, and under the radar of the clubhouse. I knew it was an impossible feat, but I had to try.
“It’s going to be okay, Andi. I promise. I will figure it out and soon you, Bri and Charlie, won’t ever have to be scared again.”
“Daddy hurt mommy.” Andi frowned, her vibrant green eyes so unlike mine filled with tears. Pulling her onto my lap, I hugged her close to me. “I know, baby girl. I am so sorry. You’re safe here, all of you are.”
“I miss mommy.” She sniffed.
“I do too.” My voice hitched as I thought of my sister.
Joined at the hip from the moment I was born, our parents encouraged the friendship. My whole life, it was just me and Davy. It was the Linnie and Davy show everywhere we went. No one came between us, not even boys. We were that close. She was more than my sister. She was my best friend and now she was dead. My only link to her, were her girls and when she died, they became mine.
Bri toddled over to me, smiling, showing me her pretty smile and new teeth. Looking at the baby, Charlie, sleeping in her car carrier, I sighed. God, what was I going to do? I was now a mother to three little girls. They needed round-the-clock care and attention. They had nothing but the clothes on their backs and what I took from their home in Denver.
I didn’t even have a room for them. No beds, no toys, nothing. I barely had enough diapers for two days. I was in trouble. Then there was my job. I couldn’t be in two places at once. I had Samuel to care for and now that I knew Matrix was staying; he asked me to help with the other kids. It looked like my degree in childhood education was finally going to come in handy. There was a plethora of children here and two of the women were pregnant, only I couldn’t remember which ones.
“They yours?” a gruff voice had me freezing in my spot. Slowly turning, I spotted the big man named Sandman leaning against the back door in the kitchen. He was quiet compared to the other brothers in the club. He mainly stuck to himself, unless he was with a pretty young woman named Sunny, who I learned was the little sister to Remi. I also learned that Sunny and Sandman were technically married, which shocked me because Sunny was so young, barely eighteen. Yet, all it took was one look at them to know that they both loved each other very much.