Page 19 of King
“What are you going to do with him?”
“Do you really care?”
That was a damn good question.
Did I?
Fuck no, I didn’t.
Shrugging my shoulders, I gave King my back and went to sit at the reception desk, pretending I had important things to do. Clicking away on my computer, I felt King slide up behind me. Heat radiated from his body, searing my back. My heart picked up and when I looked, my hand was shaking. When he leaned down, I dared not move as his hot sweet apple fresh breath caressed my ear. His mouth was so close, I felt his lips caress my ear as he whispered, “Fight me all you want, Cupcake, but I always get what I want. You will tell me all your secrets.”
Laughing as he left my shop, I never moved from my spot. I couldn’t. There was something about the man that made me feel shit. I wasn’t like other women. I knew what relationships led to, and I wanted nothing to do with them. That’s why I never had a boyfriend. Never cared to even consider one. It wasn’t that I was afraid, far from it. I just refused to allow myself to fade into nothing because of some man. I watched it happen to my mother, and it killed her.
I wouldn’t become another victim.
King was dangerous. He was something I wasn’t prepared for. I met many men over my lifetime and King was one of the ones I tried to avoid at all costs. Strong, handsome, muscular, tattooed, cunning and one hundred percent grade-A man. He didn’t pull punches. I knew his type. One minute he would be sweet as pie, the next he would rip out my heart. I felt a potent attraction to him. The protector, the avenger, the lover type. There would be no gray area with King. It was black or white or nothing at all. It would have to be his way and no matter what, he would be in control. Always.
As much as I wanted to test the waters, I knew it was impossible. I couldn’t trust a liar. And King was a big fat liar-liar pants on fire. The man had no sense of personal space, and his controlling nature was sure to drive me up the wall. No. It was best if I just ignored the man. Eventually, he would tire of coming around and leave me alone. They all did in the end when they realized I wasn’t going to give them what they wanted.
Too easy.
The rest of the day went off without a hitch and by the time I turned off my open sign and locked the doors, I was so fucking exhausted. I felt as if I could sleep for a damn week. Trudging up the back stairs, I felt as if I’d been rung through the ringer. My whole body ached. I would kill for a long hot bath, but that wasn’t going to happen. Instead, I was going to get into some comfortable clothes and crash on my old warn but comfy couch. I didn’t even care that Scribe was climbing the stairs behind me. All I wanted to do was sleep for the next twenty-four hours. Undisturbed preferably.
Unlocking my apartment, I walked in, turned on the lights to find a brand-new king-sized bed against the back wall. “How?”
“How did I not hear him?”
“This building is pretty solid. I could bring my weight machine up here and you’d probably not even hear me work out. They made these old buildings to last. Strong oak beams. Can’t go wrong with some good solid wood,” Scribe smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes at his innuendo.
I was too damn tired to give a damn how it happened, who bought it, or set it up. All I cared about was it was there, and fresh sheets were on the bed. Making a beeline for the new bed, I kicked off my shoes and threw my tired ass down on it, and sighed.
“Don’t go to sleep yet,” Scribe said, closing the door. “I’ve got food coming. You need to eat.”
“No, I need sleep. Feed me in the morning,” I sighed, curling myself around one of the new fluffy pillows. Closing my eyes, I forgot about the last twenty-four hours and let myself drift off into the darkness, only to be woken up minutes later when a bright light shined on my face. Covering my face with a pillow as I moaned, “Scribe, turn off the damn light.”
“Can’t do that. The sun is finicky about being subdued.”
“Huh?” I slowly opened one eye and peeked at my surroundings. The light was bright as the sun’s rays shined beams of sunshine into my barren apartment. Rolling onto my back, I blinked several times, trying to get my eyes to adjust. I was still tired, but felt rested. I’d never slept so well in my life. I didn’t know what kind of mattress King bought, but I was going to buy stock in the company. Holy hell, was this mattress heaven? The sheets were soft and crisp. The thick goose down comforter kept the night chill off me. I slept like a baby and didn’t want to leave the bed and if I was smart, I would have purchased blackout curtains, so I could have done just that.
But did I?
Fuck no.
“It’s almost noon. You damn near slept the whole day away. Get up. Beth brought over coffee and pastries.”
“Coffee?” I said, perking up, smelling the delicious aroma permeating my large space. Throwing back the covers, I raised my arms above my head and stretched, only to gasp seconds later when crisp, cool air touched my skin. Reaching for them quickly to cover myself up, I growled. “What the fuck happened to my clothes?”
“You passed out the second you hit the bed. I was just gonna cover you up, but King insisted on doing the honors. Don’t worry, I made sure he was a gentleman.”
“Yeah, King came by after you passed out, wanting to talk to you. He saw you sleeping and, well, he insisted you be comfortable. According to King, sleeping naked is the only way to do that. So, he stripped you bare. He said when you finally drag your ass out of bed, he wants you at the club. Since you won’t be opening the store today.”
“Who said I wasn’t opening today?”
Scribe just looked at me, then at my busted hand.