Page 22 of King
My brother shook his head before turning to leave. “You know, one day someone is going to break through that wall you’ve built. I just hope whoever it is… is strong enough to deal with your ass.”
I said nothing as my brother closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in my office. Stewing, I leaned back in my chair as Valerie’s face formed in my mind.
Looking around the hangar, I couldn’t find her anywhere. Brothers rushed around hugging, kissing, and laughing with family members, happy to have their loved ones finally home. I knew my family wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow, but Valerie should have been here. Grabbing my duffel, I flung it over my shoulder and made my way to the exit. My unit was on a forty-eight-hour furlough until Monday morning. That was when the real leave would begin. I couldn’t wait. Rest and relaxation for two weeks. Two weeks away from men I’d spent the last year with the worst hell I’d ever been. Two weeks alone with my wife. Leaving the building, I saw my unit brother, Scribe, getting into a cab. “Scribe! Wait up.”
Running for the car, I slung my duffle into the trunk, then slid next to him in the back seat. “I thought Valerie was picking you up.”
“So did I.”
“Where to officers?”
“210 Maple,” I said, knowing that Scribe would head off post to his beach house. Unlike most of the men in our unit, I lived on post in military housing. I wanted to purchase a house out in town, but Valerie wanted to stay close to the post. She loved everything about the military. Enjoyed the safety and security of the post. Mainly, she loved being close to all the amenities the post offered. While I hated the idea of living where I worked, I agreed, because it made Valerie happy.
“Family still coming in tomorrow?”
“Yep. Gonna stay the weekend, then we’re all gonna head home for a bit. Can’t wait to see the Appalachian Mountains again. What about you?”
“Got a flight out tomorrow. The parents and sisters are meeting me at my ranch in Montana. Gonna commune with nature.”
Shaking my head, I grinned. “Haven’t you camped enough over the last year?”
“That wasn’t camping. That was having fun. No, I’m gonna shed my clothes and just be free. Gonna roll around in the dirt, look at the stars and do whatever the fuck I want.”
Laughing as the cab pulled to a stop, I shook my brother’s hand and got out. Grabbing for my duffle out of the trunk, I slapped the hood of the car, then gave Scribe a two-finger salute as I headed into my home. I saw Valerie’s car when the cab pulled up, so I knew she was home. Dropping my bag at the door, I did a quick check of the downstairs rooms before rushing up the stairs.
I think on some level I knew what I was going to find. I didn’t want to believe it. I refused to believe that I would be another sad military statistic, but when I opened our bedroom door and found my wife in bed with a man I once called brother as he fucked her, I wasn’t surprised. Nor was I shocked that the man fucking my wife was none other than a man I’d known most of my life.
Leaning against the door, I smiled. “Honey, I’m home.”
Valerie shrieked as Havoc jumped from the bed. Both scrambled to dress. If it wasn’t so fucking sad, I would have thought it was funny. The hilarious thing was, I fucking knew she’d been cheating on me since before I left for deployment. Just never thought I’d walk in and see this sad scene for myself.
Shaking my head, I looked at my soon-to-be former club brother. “Not a word Havoc.”
“Callum, it’s not what you think!” Valerie rambled, hurrying to cover her naked body. That was when I noticed the swelling of her mid-section. The bitch was pregnant.
Looking at Havoc, I pointed at Valerie’s growing mid-section and asked. “That yours?”
He nodded.
“No! It’s yours, Callum!” Valerie shouted. Shaking my head, I stood up straight. “Haven’t been home in a year, bitch. Nice try.”
“I’m telling you the truth. When you were on leave. I’m five months along. The baby is yours.”
“You can’t be serious. Are you really going to stick with that lame ass story?”
“I’m having your baby!”
“Bitch,” I sneered. “I haven’t fucked you in over a year. Now get the fuck out of my house. We’re fucking over. I never want to see you again.”
Only it wasn’t that easy. In the months that followed, Valerie made my life a living fucking hell. She insisted the baby she was carrying was mine and even forced the matter, demanding a DNA test. My commanding officers forced me to move out of my house, while she got to stay in our home until the divorce was final and paternity was determined. In the end, the fucking cunt took me to the cleaners. She got everything, from my bike to my grandmother’s ring, that I put on her finger on our wedding day. She took half my military pay and demanded alimony.
I would have thought that once the divorce was final, she would disappear. That I would never see her again. Only, I wasn’t that lucky. Nope, the fucking cunt moved back home to Rosewood and was now married to the fucking mayor of the town. The kid that she claimed was mine turned out to be Havoc’s. When she went after him for child support, the fucking pussy bitch disappeared. Instead of staying and owning up to his responsibilities, the motherfucker took off like the fucking bastard he was.
The worst part was seeing Valerie. There was a time I loved that woman. Wanted to give her the world. Instead, she took my love and twisted it into something dirty, something disgusting. After her, I couldn’t look at a woman and not see her. Knowing that, deep down, every woman was a fucking cunt looking for their next meal ticket. The next schmuck that they could sink their teeth into. That’s why I never got attached to any bitch. I refused to be played again, and I didn’t give a damn how sweet the cunt was.
Nobody would ever play me again.