Page 29 of King
She was mine.
Sitting down beside her, I just looked at the angel before me and prayed for the first time in my life for guidance. “What am I going to do with you?”
Reaching for the blanket at the foot of the bed, I covered her up as someone knocked before opening my door.
“Callum?” my baby brother Pyro whispered, sticking his head around the door.
“Frank and Priest are ready in the tank whenever you are.”
“You okay?” he asked, stepping further into the room, shutting the door behind him.
“I don’t know if I can do it, Chase.”
“Do what?”
“Be who she needs me to be. I’m too old.”
“You know, when I told you to find the woman behind the mask, I didn’t mean to fall in love with her.”
“I’m not.”
Pyro smirked. “Lie to me all you want, brother, but I saw that scene in the kitchen.”
“I was angry.”
“Brother, you were going to kill Sandi and Bridget for touching her.”
“They laid hands on her.” I mumbled.
“You never interfered when the bitches fought before.”
“Bailey isn’t a bitch. Those whores should have known better.”
“They’re whores Callum. All they know is when to spread their legs.”
“Never heard you talk like that before.”
“Just tired of all their bullshit. You know I never liked them.”
I smirked. “You mean Ellie, never liked them.”
My brother said nothing for the longest time. Looking up at him, I saw the color had drained from his face. Out of the Montclair brothers, Chase was the only one with a reason to truly fear love. My brother had lost the love of his life in an instant and never recovered. The man before me was just a shell of his former self. “Chase, I’m sorry.”
My brother shook his head. “I’ll never love another. A second chance isn’t in the cards for me, but you are sitting next to your second chance. You just need to learn to control that temper of yours and find some common ground. I’m going for a ride. I’ll be back later.” With that, my brother left, shutting the door behind him.
Sitting there, I felt like a total piece of shit. I should have known better. Chase never talked about Ellie and with the anniversary of her death coming up, he was going to delve deeper into his depression. I never knew the love Chase felt for Ellie. That all-consuming love. I never loved Valerie like that. I cared for her and in some way, I felt something for her, but not like Chase and Ellie. That love was beyond my comprehension.
“Who’s Ellie?”
Closing my eyes, I sighed. “She was Chase’s wife.”
“She died five years ago, come August.”