Page 40 of King
“Yeah. Who hasn’t? For months that was all the news would talk about and your brother is the President, right?”
“Was. Max died a little over two weeks ago.” Jess whispered.
“I’m sorry.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “That’s club life. You’ll need to understand that if you are with King.”
“I’m not with anyone,” I quickly replied. “I don’t even like King. He’s pushy, opinionated, and stubborn.”
Jess laughed out loud. “That’s a Montclair for you. My mom was the same way. But I can tell you one thing for sure. When push comes to shove, you will be thankful to have King and the club beside you. They won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I don’t know Jess. Everything is so messed up. I moved here to start over. Now, I’ve got a motorcycle club watching my every move. I have a fucking tracker on my wrist. A man named Czar hellbent on killing me and my family is coming out of the woodwork. I don’t have time for a relationship or whatever it is King claimed.”
“Claimed? He claimed you?”
“That’s what he said.”
“And what did you say?”
“I didn’t. I couldn’t say anything. I was too busy screaming out the multitude of orgasms he gave me!”
Jess laughed. “That’s a biker brother for you. Fuck what we want. All they do is take, but even I will admit, the sex is off the charts with a biker. Savage is a monster in bed. Bastard is still trying to get in my ass.”
“I wouldn’t know about that. Last night was my first time.”
“Excuse me?” Jess gasped. “You were a virgin?”
“Yep, and then King showed up and now I’m not.”
“That motherfucker!” Jess shouted. “And he just claimed you? He didn’t explain anything?”
Jess grinned wickedly, then said. “Well Bailey, get comfortable, because I’m gonna let you in on a little club secret.” I listened intently as Jess explained everything she knew about motorcycle clubs.
She had been gone for a while now, and I still couldn’t get what she said out of my head. I knew that there was a hierarchy of sorts in the M.C., as with most things. I just never realized how that affected those not patched in as members.
For instance, the wife, ol’ lady to the President. She was a leader herself, more like a Suzie homemaker of sorts, but she still held power. Where the President ruled the roost, the ol’ lady took care of the people, not just the brothers but the other ol’ ladies, too. She also rounded up and herded the whores around the club. She was above everyone, except her ol’ man. They worked together to create a family of sorts. A fucked up and crazy family, but a family none the less. Jess told me that brothers would seek the president’s ol’ lady out if they needed to talk or ask for advice about something. Basically, she was the housemother, sister, whatever the brothers needed her to be.
I learned that being the ol’ lady to the President of the club was a lot like herding feral cats. Fucking impossible unless I had a spray bottle to keep them in check. The whole thing sounded absolutely crazy. Why the hell would I even want to take on something like that? I already had a complicated life. I didn’t need to add a group of over-grown male children to the mix. They weren’t my responsibility. They knew right from wrong. And I sure as hell was too damn young to be anyone’s mother.
Fuck that.
If these bastards couldn’t handle their own shit, that was on them. I was still trying to figure out how to get out of this claiming business. I still didn’t understand how one night of orgasmic fuckery sealed me to King for the rest of my life? I mean, the sex was fucking off the charts, but was it good enough for the rest of my life?
Okay. Maybe it was, but I didn’t even like King. He was bossy and demanding. A throwback to the 1950’s where men insisted the little woman did as she was told. Yeah, that would never happen. I enjoyed making my own decisions and I sure as hell didn’t need some man with a super-dick to tell me what to do.
No cock was that good.
Still, that was one issue Jessica wasn’t clear on. I mean, she told me how the claiming worked. Basically, the fucknut saw what he wanted and took it. Like a kid in a candy store and when he didn’t get what he wanted, chaos ensued. Only, there was no chaos with me because King fucked me stupid until I was a drooling pile of goo who just nodded and went along with whatever he said because he was dishing out orgasms like Xanax!
Not that I was complaining about that part. The orgasms were to fucking die for. Sign me up for a weekly supply, but damn it, that didn’t mean I belonged to him. I wasn’t fucking property. According to Jess, I was. I now belonged to King.
I’d been in my shop stewing for a few hours when I heard the door chime. “What the fuck now?”
“Venom?” a female said. Ignoring her, I kept rearranging my equipment, my mind fuming over the stupid claiming shit. I tried not to think about everything that Jess told me because the more I did, the angrier I got.
“I’m closed.”