Page 47 of King
Scribe grinned. “Got nothing to be ashamed of, babe. You have a smoking hot body any bitch would be proud to have and those curves… Dayum.”
Pushing him away from me, I growled, “Pervert.”
“Hey Scribe,” a whiney voice spoke, making me want to rip out my own ears. Looking behind me, I groaned. It was one of them. I think it was the peacemaker, Karen. God, her voice was annoying. Barely dressed, I could clearly see her nipples through her shirt.
Didn’t the woman own a fucking bra?
“Wanna go have some fun?”
“Kind of busy sweetness,” Scribe cooed, smiling sweetly at the over dolled up barbie doll. Watching him flirt with that woman made me want to vomit. If he was going to be my friend, he needed to find someone else to dip his dick into. God knows what diseases she had.
“But I miss you,” she whined.
“Bitch, he said fuck off, I sneered, as Scribe instantly shut his mouth.
“What did you say, whore?” the cranky one known as Bridget said, getting to her feet. I grinned, seeing her face still swollen from the last beat down I gave her. No amount of make-up could cover up that ugly mug. “Did you call Marlene a bitch?”
Fuck. I thought the whiney bitch was Karen.
Oh well. Turning in my seat, I eyed Bridget up and down and gagged. The woman didn’t look well at all. Her eyes were red and bloodshot. She tried to cover up the bruises with make-up, but they were still visible and when she smiled, I could see her chipped tooth. Huh? Didn’t realize I hit her that hard. To make matters worse, the clothes she wore barely fit her. Where did these skanks find this shit? At a bargain basement for Whore’s R Us?
Oh well.
Leaning back against the bar, I smiled. “Well, don’t you look like a bag of unwashed dicks? What’s the matter, Bridget? Did Maybelline stop making skank concealer? You know a woman in your profession must look her best, but then again, you’d fuck a tailpipe if you could, isn’t that right?”
“Bitch, I’m going to fucking cut you.”
I laughed.
Like, really laughed.
This cunt was funny.
“What’s so funny?” Jess said, walking over to me, stowing her purse on the bar. Leaning against it, she smirked. “Skank drama?”
“Ain’t no drama, bitch, so take your fucking fat ass and walk away,” Bridget snarled.
Jess looked at me, her eyebrows raising. “Is this bitch serious?”
“Seems like it.”
“Why do they think they’re all that? I mean, look at her. She’s poorly dressed. Her hair needs a trim. I can see her split ends from here and that face. She looks like she lost a fight with a meat grinder.”
Barely holding my laughter in, I nodded, “Said something similar before you got here.”
“Every fucking time,” Jess muttered, before motioning to the bartender for a beer. When he slid her a beer, Jess took a long drink. “Fuck, I needed that. Hey prospect, when this is over, line ‘em up for me, okay?”
“You got it, Jess,” the cute bartender winked.
What happened next would go down as the best fucking night of my life. Jess shot gunned her beer, then flipped it in her hand, catching it by the long neck, before screaming a rebel yell as she jumped from the bar onto Bridget, swinging the beer bottle against her head. I didn’t have time to comment before Marlene tackled me to the floor, scratching and slapping me.
It was on now.
Grabbing the winey bitch by her braless boobs, I squeezed, then twisted hard and pulled. “Fuck me, Look Jess! I’m milking my first cow!”
The bitch screamed bloody murder as I kneed her in the crotch, pushing her off me. Laying on the floor, she curled into a ball crying as if I hurt her. Getting to my feet, someone grabbed my arm and flung me around as a fist connected with my face.
Shaking my head, I looked up to find the peacemaker, Karen.