Page 59 of King
“Oh, you mean like you’ve been calling me?”
“I was giving you time.”
“That wasn’t your decision to make, asshole!” I shouted. “You fucking left me high and dry. No more unannounced visits, no calls, no texts, nothing and now you get all but hurt because I don’t pick up the phone and call you about a possibility that may or may not exist. You can go fuck yourself!”
“No!” I firmly said, jumping down from the table, pointing my finger at him. “You steamrolled into my life hell bent to take whatever you wanted, and I let you because you have a magic dick. Well, I’ve sobered up from my drunken orgasmic haze. You got what you wanted and made yourself crystal clear. So, you and your delectable fuckstick can go back up the mountain where you belong. I don’t want you anymore.”
Pushing past him, I marched out of the Rosewood Clinic with my head held high. Fuck him. Fuck his club. Fuck all of them. I didn’t need anyone. I survived on my own since my mother died. He wanted space? Well, he was going to get all the motherfucking space on the planet.
I didn’t need anyone.
Chapter Twenty
“Way to go, King,” Jess said, slowly getting to her feet. “You really know how to stick your foot in it, don’t you?”
“What just happened?” I asked, dumbfounded. When I learned Bailey was in the clinic, I raced down the mountain to get to her, thinking about every horrible thing that could be wrong. Then I walked into the clinic and found out why she was here, and I felt as if my heart had expanded tenfold. I never thought I’d be a father. Never even considered the possibility. But imagining Bailey’s stomach swollen with my kid did something to me.
I wanted that possibility.
I wanted it badly.
“Oh, that was the love of your life telling you she no longer wants you. Let me ask you something, King. Did you honestly think ghosting the woman you love for two weeks would end well for you?”
“I thought she needed space. I dumped a crap ton of shit on her Jess. I’m the reason she’s in the mess she’s in.”
“And look where that thinking got you. Let me break this down for you. It wasn’t your choice to make. Bailey didn’t have the best life and you know that. All you did was show her, that you are just like her family. They didn’t give a flying fuck about her King. They used her and took what they wanted. Her whole life, the only person she could ever count on, was herself. Then you weasel yourself into her life and let her believe she can rely on you. The first-time shit gets heavy, you bolt. She didn’t need space King. She didn’t give two fucks about what you did. She loved you. All she wanted was you. Yes, she is stubborn and headstrong, but so are you. She is your equal and you shit on her.”
“How do I fix this?”
“You are a grown ass man with all the answers. You figure it out. I’m going to try to find her, then I’m heading to the hospital to check on the twins,” Jess firmly said, before leaving me standing in the small clinic room alone. Left alone in the clinic exam room, I jumped when someone tapped me on my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Dr. Claudia James, one of my longtime childhood friends.
“Where did Bailey go?”
“She’s gone.”
“Damn. I have her results.”
Not moving, I whisper hopefully. “What are they?”
Claudia looked up at me. “You know I can’t tell you that, King. You know the rules.”
“Just tell me Claudia. Am I going to be a father or not?”
“You know the whole damn town knows what you did, right? Did you seriously think that ghosting your girlfriend would end well for you?”
I growled but said nothing.
Claudia chuckled, shaking her head before walking away. “Once you are out of the hole you dug, have Bailey call me.”
Walking out of the clinic, I ignored the snickers and dirty looks from the female population. I should have known that nothing happened without the whole town of Rosewood knowing by sundown. That’s what I get for living in a small damn town. Making my way down the street, I entered Beth’s coffee shop and immediately ducked as Beth hurled muffins, cookies, and scones my way.
“You rat bastard!”
“I’m sorry!” I shouted, as a scone hit me in the forehead.