Page 62 of King
The place looked nothing like it did before and I hoped Bailey liked what we did. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out the letter I wrote and placed it on her bed, before turning out all the lights and locking the front door.
There wasn’t anything else I could do until she was ready to talk.
Now the wait began.
Chapter Twenty-One
“I’m not fucking around anymore, Scribe!” I shouted, slamming my hands down on my desk. “Where the fuck is she? She hasn’t been at the shop in two weeks!”
It had been damn near a month since I finished the apartment. In that time, I learned Bailey hired a new tattoo artist called Glider, and he was now covering the shop while she was off doing fuck knows what. To make matters worse, Glider was damn near as tall as me and had no problem getting in my face and telling me to fuck off.
When I had Scribe look into the fucker, we all learned that Glider was an ex-Army Ranger with ties to the Soulless Sinners. Motherfucker served with Montana’s brother, Dakota. How Bailey met him was a fucking mystery. When I called Montana for her whereabouts, the bastard laughed at me and told me I dug my hole, I could climb out of it all on my own. Then he fucking hung up on me.
The only brother who knew where the fuck my woman was, flat out, refused to give up her location. I knew he was trying to be a good friend, but enough was enough. I needed to see for myself that she was okay. This silent treatment had gone on long enough.
“I think you need a cup of coffee King. Why don’t you go see Beth?”
“I don’t want a fucking cup of coffee, asshole. I want my woman to talk to me!”
Scribe got to his feet and stretched before walking towards the door. “Coffee sounds good. Go see Beth.”
Leaving me standing alone in my office, I watched as the fucker left, shaking his head, grinning. Sitting back down in my chair, I had just reached for my phone when Priest entered.
“Hey boss. Wanna go get a cup of coffee?”
Narrowing my eyes, I looked at my brother and growled.
“No. I don’t want a fucking cup of coffee.”
“Sure about that? Because I heard Beth has a special blend today.”
“Fuck off Priest,” I growled, just as my brothers Gunner and Pyro entered.
“Coffee run?” Gunner smiled brightly, rubbing his hands together. What the fuck was wrong with everyone? And why the sudden need for fucking coffee? “What do you say, Pyro? Want to go get a cup?”
“I could use a cup,” my baby brother nodded.
“Will all of you get the fuck out of here?” I roared. “I don’t want a fucking cup of coffee.”
“You can’t be that dense.” Priest sighed, shaking his head.
“Excuse me?”
“Bailey is waiting for you at Beth’s, you cranky ass. So, stop your bitching and go get a fucking cup of coffee and grovel. It’s fucking sickening seeing you mope around here. Grow some fucking balls and man up, brother.”
I wish I could say that I made the trip down the mountain alone, but it seemed the entire club was eager to watch me grovel and make a complete fool out of myself. I think I broke my record as I raced down the mountain to get to Beth’s coffee shop with my brothers hot on my heels. We roared into town, causing several people to stop and stare.
Not that I gave a fuck.
I had a woman to claim.
Parking in front of the Main Drip, I jumped off my bike and rushed into Beth’s shop, hearing the chime above the door as I entered. Townies and tourists all looked up as I walked in and scanned the crowd for my woman.
“What do you want?” Beth said, getting my attention. Narrowing my eyes as the woman who not even weeks ago threw food at me, I cautiously walked over to the counter. I looked her dead in the eyes and asked. “Is she here?”