Page 68 of King
“Yeah. We understand.”
“Now, how is your little lady?”
“Still in surgery.”
“King?” Claudia said, entering the waiting room, still dressed in her scrubs. When my long-time friend smiled at me, I damn near fell to the floor if it weren’t for Pyro and Gunner holding me up.
“She’s going to be fine. As soon as she’s in recovery, you can go see her. Only one at a time, okay?”
“I want to leave,” my woman huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She’d been in the hospital close to a week now and hated every damn minute of it. She complained about the food, how cold it was, that the sheets were scratchy, the bed was uncomfortable, the pillows were flat, that she couldn’t shower, that the nurses were mean to her. She even complained that the room she was in smelled funny.
She was a pain in the ass.
“Claudia said if your incision looks good, she will let you go home today. So, stop bitching. Besides, your apartment isn’t finished yet. The crime scene clean-up crew did their job fast. It’s the flooring that’s taking time.”
“Only because you ripped it all out and decided to put in new.”
“Not taking the chance that clean-up crew left evidence seeping between the cracks. So even if you get paroled today, you are coming home with me.”
“How’s Jamie?”
“He’s just fine. Beth keeps him busy at the shop, then Scribe picks him up and takes him home where everyone keeps an eye on him.”
“I still can’t believe Savannah just up and left.”
“The threat to you was over, babe. Did you honestly think she was going to stick around?”
“Thought she’d at least come by and say goodbye.”
“She needed to get to her next client. She said she would keep in touch.”
“Not the same,” my woman sulked.
Sighing, I leaned back in my chair. “How long are you going to sulk because I’ve got things I can do?”
I got it. She hated being in the hospital. I did too, but I wasn’t being a brat about it. Until Claudia released her, she was stuck because I wasn’t letting her leave without the doctor’s okay. I needed to know that my woman was whole and healthy before I walked her out of this place.
“I never thanked you for fixing up my apartment. What I saw of it looked pretty. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, cupcake.” I smirked, knowing how hard that was for her.
The door opened and in walked Claudia, smiling.
“If you are here, to tell me I have to stay another night, I will get out of this bed and beat you to death.”
Claudia’s eyebrows rose as she looked at me.
Chuckling, I added. “She’s serious Lidi.”
“She’s a handful, isn’t she?”
“You have no idea.” I deadpanned.
“All right, Bailey. I’m kicking you out of here. You’ve tormented and harassed my nurses long enough. Ready to go home?”
Dressed and ready to leave, my woman threw back her covers with a flourish that would rival any matador. Laughing, I got to my feet and helped her from the bed, even when she tried to swat my hands away.
“I still want you to take it easy and no lifting anything for the next few weeks. Your incision is still healing. I don’t want you to pop those stitches. I will see you in two weeks to remove them and see how you are healing. Okay?”