Page 16 of Knot Your Fairytale
Serenity: Ludwig is the best.
Me: I love that your cat’s name is Ludwig. And I’m free whenever since I haven’t started work yet.
Kat: Good, I’m off in two hours. Let’s go to Sol Tacos
Me: I should be home by then
Serenity: Already out on the town?
Me: …
Me: I got lost
Kat: In Lockwood? That’s actually kind of impressive.
Serenity: Do you need help?
Me: No, some random, grumpy alpha is taking pity on me and bringing me back.
Kat: No one taught you not to get in cars with strangers? Are you safe?
Me: They did. I’m safe, guys.
Serenity: I can’t wait for details. Live your best life.
A throat clearing had me looking up, startling and nearly dropping my phone but Ezra was faster, catching it.
“I’m done,” was all he said before climbing in and leaving me standing there. I had no choice but to stay lost, or get in the passenger’s seat. Staying was not an option, so I got in the car with Ezra.
He was definitely not a sweet, chivalrous alpha, but I was finding the gruff nature of his a nice change. What you see is what you get.
I just wondered what he’d think of me when the show aired the last episode. At that point, I was more terrified that everyone would find me to be a pathetic loser, an omega who deserved what she got for being stupid enough to go on the show in the first place.
It felt like doomsday was approaching. I just wish I knew what the fallout would be.
Ezra was nice enough to drive me into town, though I refused to go back to Micah’s place yet. He hadn’t called me yet but he knew I was safe.
With dinner in two hours, I figured I could just browse the shops downtown. I was still learning Lockwood and the familiar faces made me feel more at home than I’d ever felt in the city.
“Thanks for the ride,” I told Ezra as he parked in front of the diner. The scent in the car was almost impossible to endure. Neither one of us brought it up or acknowledged it, yet he looked like he was ready to crawl out of his skin. We were strangers, I was still healing, the universe sure as hell had a funny way of throwing curve balls.
“Sure,” was all he gave me before climbing out. He wasn’t a man of many words, but I did wish he’d open up a little more, even if it was just in a friendship capacity. Maybe I needed to frequent the diner just a little bit more, see how he takes it.
Eventually I’d bring it up but, dammit, I was waiting for the alpha to take the lead. He seemed the type to need to do things at his own pace and I didn’t want to push too soon. I was in no rush, but for some reason his lack of response was making me feel rejected all over again.
A fact that was likely leftover feelings from that damned show kept me from saying anything for now.
Ezra all but bolted down the street when we got out. Oddly it didn’t feel like rejection anymore, more like avoidance.
The moment I walked past the Raven’s Nest I couldn’t help but stop and go inside. Coffee called my name the moment I smelled it in the air.
“Hey, hey!” Katya called out. “Killing time before dinner?”
“Exactly. And I made it back in one piece,” I joked before giving my order.
She started making it, shouting over the sounds of the machines. “If you like music there’s a record store a few doors down.”