Page 28 of Knot Your Fairytale
“Okay, okay, if you’re sure,” I agreed. They didn’t even glance back as they waved me off. I grabbed my stuff since I had two days off. Walter knew what was coming and planned around it so I had a chance to recover.
Just as I stepped into the afternoon sun, someone was blocking my path. I braced myself for more bullshit, especially when I saw who it was. I couldn’t mistake Dean for Atlas, the small beauty mark on the right side of his jaw gave him away.
“I’m glad I didn’t run into you this time. Sorry about last time, I was having a really bad day, not that that’s an excuse, but…” He cut himself off and I glanced up to see Dean looking much different than he had the first time.
Without the scowl, he looked even more like Atlas and as he stepped closer I realized it wasn’t just his brother I was mated to, but him as well. Somehow in the argument during our first meeting I’d missed it but his scent was undeniably intoxicating. Like a forest after rain, earthy and fresh. Heat flooded my body and my hands tingled as if they were itching to touch him.
“Bad days happen,” I said casually, just a hint of ice in my tone. Grudges wouldn't get us anywhere but I also wasn’t going to set the precedent that I was a doormat.
A little groveling was definitely in order.
I started to walk away again but his quick footsteps followed me until he was matching me stride for stride.
“No, really. I’m so sorry…” he trailed off, likely realizing he didn’t even know my name.
“It’s Ellie,” I said. “I get the bad mood thing, but I really have to get out of here.” My gaze drifted back as a few old ladies walked out of the front doors of town hall. Time had run out and if I didn’t keep moving then Walter’s efforts would be for nothing.
Dean looked freaked out as I moved from a solid power walk to a slow run.
“Wait, are you alright?” He started glancing around like something was going to pop out at any second. I didn’t even know who the ladies were, so I doubted they were scary for him.
“I just need to get off of Main Street. I’m heading home,” I said to avoid explaining.
“Can I walk you home then?” he questioned.
I stopped moving at that point and stared up at him.
“Because we’re mates and I feel like an asshole and wanted to try and make it up to you? I’m trying to be better.”
“Is that a question?” At this point I was just fucking with him. I couldn’t help it but the moment he started to panic a bit I let a chuckle slip out.
Dean let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.
“I deserved that, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did,” I said with a bit less ice. “How are the shoes?”
He groaned at the question. “Listen, I don’t even like those shoes that much, I’m not even sure why that’s what I went for. I just… it was a bad day. I even forgot to pick up tea for my dad.”
“At Raven’s Nest? They don’t even sell tea bags yet,” I pointed out, more out of curiosity and confusion.
“I wish they had more,” he admitted. “I grab extra from the grocery store but Walter gets me the green tea my dad likes. He just doesn’t advertise it. I also try to get him hot tea. Serenity and Katya make it way better than I do at home.”
“That makes sense. Everyone says how Walter is a grump but I swear he’s a teddy bear,” I said, appreciating the alpha even more now that I knew he was helping out Dean and his dad. “And I believe they are going to start doing tea blends. Walter and I just discussed a few details today but it’s not announced or anything.” I pointed to my work shirt to prove that I knew what I was talking about.
I nearly stumbled as he stopped so abruptly. He did at least reach out and steady me.
“Just like, standard tea bags?” He was so intense I had to remind myself to breathe.
“No, loose leaf and maybe some custom bags eventually. Depends on what he lets me get away with honestly.” He was taking in every word but I couldn’t figure out why he was so intense. “Are you some kind of tea fanatic?”
He laughed at that and relaxed. “Not even close. I think most tea tastes like dirt if I’m being honest. Like I said, it’s for my dad.”
“He’s the tea fanatic?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No, he’s sick,” he admitted. Damn, now I feel like the asshole, I’d forgotten about that detail from my date with Atlas. Dean and I were really killing this whole ‘mates’ thing. “He’s got a mystery lung infection that the doctors can’t figure out. Meds aren’t helpful most days and tea helps soothe the coughing and pain. I’m just paranoid about giving him cheap blends and try to find the best I can. But we’re in Lockwood…”