Page 34 of Knot Your Fairytale
It changed me.
This was the last big hurdle before I could finally move on. As long as they were blasting my face at every corner and during every commercial break, I couldn’t really feel free. I wanted to get to know my mates, create a life here, without the past holding me hostage.
Just as we had all claimed our seats the front doorbell rang. Micah hurried over and returned with a ridiculous stack of boxes.
“Damn, do you think we can eat this much?” Serenity mused.
Katya snorted. “Yes, we can.” Her voice was unapologetic and she was already moving toward the cheesy goodness.
“Oh, I know these two can take down a decent amount of pizza,” Micah said. “I’ll bet there will barely be any leftovers.”
Tori had already turned on the TV, making sure it was on the right channel. The sitcom on before it was coming to an end. When the final commercial break hit, the front doorbell was ringing again.
“God, tell me you didn’t invite anyone else to watch this?” I groaned at Micah. He looked equally as confused as he went for the door. A hand shoved a stack of white to-go boxes toward him.
“Just make sure she eats,” was all he said before turning and walking away. I glanced at Serenity and she looked stunned.
“You know, in college I got mono and he didn’t even bring me soup. Ezra must really like you,” she declared.
My chest tightened at the thought. Sometimes, when someone as guarded as Ezra did something sweet, it meant so much more because you know a lot of thought and care went into it. He wasn’t doing it because he felt obligated, but because he wanted to. It was huge.
“What did he bring?” Katya asked curiously. Micah closed the pizza boxes and popped open the containers revealing an array of fries, onion rings, burgers, and a grilled cheese for me. His face split in a grin as he passed the grilled cheese my way.
“He knows you already.”
“Bless whoever that man was,” Tori said as she snagged a burger and took a huge bite. “I’m starving.”
Everything smelled amazing but my stomach was churning. I forced myself to take a bite or two before giving up completely.
“It’s starting!”
Dread slammed into me as Serenity and Tori boxed me in, pressing their shoulders to mine. I wasn’t sure if it was to force me to stay or to offer a bit of comfort. Either way I was glad they did it, the warmth and pressure of their presence was keeping me from losing it completely.
“Holy shit, is that Morgan?”
I turned abruptly to face Kat and Serenity.
“Wait, you know Morgan?”
Serenity was stunned. “Dude, she grew up here. I didn’t realize she went on the show.”
“Wait, I thought you saw the show?” I accused.
“We watched bits and pieces of it but it was while we were at the diner. I guess we didn’t catch enough,” Katya said as she shook her head.
“That’s crazy, small world,” I said. She must have run from this town, and I ran to it.
“She also broke Dean and Atlas’s hearts,” Katya said reluctantly.
“Wait, what?” I gasped. “This is the girl that put a wedge between them?”
They both nodded in disgust.
“She was never good for them and we knew it, but Morgan was insistent. When she wanted something, she usually got it.”
“Some things make so much sense now,” I said to myself.