Page 40 of Knot Your Fairytale
“They were wrong for what they did,” he said. “I’m sorry that you went through that. Fuck them and Morgan, too.”
“I thought she was so nice during the show, but I guess it was just her usual act, huh?”
He nodded sagely. “She’s a good actress. I’m not sure she even has a heart.”
“I’ll have to agree with you on that one,” I said. This time, the feeling of loss didn’t come and it had the tension that was starting to build ebbing away.
“They won’t last. I bet it was something schemed up by the producers. They knew how genuine you were and took advantage. But you didn’t sell your soul to the network. I’m proud of you for that.”
“I don’t think anybody’s ever told me they’re proud of me before.” I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud but for some reason, he got me talking easily. It just tumbled out.
“Well, it sounds like you haven’t had very good people in your life,” he said knowingly. “I’ve been there. You surround yourself with the right people and that all changes quickly.”
“My siblings are amazing and since coming here I’ve actually made a few friends. I went on a date with Atlas a few days ago,” I admitted. For some reason, I wanted him to know.
He smiled at that. “Did my other son apologize for being a dick?”
“Actually, he did,” I laughed. “For punishment, I dragged him to the herb store, so we’re even now.”
He raised his mug to me before drinking even more and I realized he hadn’t coughed since he started. Maybe that was a good sign.
As he nursed his tea, I couldn’t help but study him. Grant was an older version of the twins. He had the same dirty-blond hair and pale blue eyes they had. His jawline wasn’t as strong but age was likely a factor. He was handsome in his own right and the laugh lines made me instantly like him.
“I’m going to be candid here,” he said, breaking the silence. “I think the worst part about all of this is that they let that girl get between them. It drives me crazy that they work it out to help me and in the same industry, but maintain radio silence. Seeing my boys go from best friends to enemies is hard. I feel like I failed them.”
“They’re amazing men, you failed at nothing,” I told him firmly. “As someone who got to know Morgan a little bit on the show, I could see how she could easily weasel into somebody’s life and then tear it apart. Look what she was willing to do to me. Sometimes, it’s hard to spot manipulation until you’re too far in.”
“I just hope they mend it soon.”
“Me, too,” I agreed.
They were both my mates and I wasn’t going to live in a split pack. If either one of them wanted to move forward they had to figure it out. This would never work if they were simply civil for my sake. I had a feeling that getting them to work past this was not going to be an easy task.
The sound of hammering was starting to give me a headache. Putting down the screwdriver in my hand I stepped out on the patio to escape the sound.
My drink was still at the table and I plopped down in my chair, taking a sip and using the free moment to check my phone.
Atlas: Good afternoon, gorgeous. How’s your day?
Me: Not bad. Working on a renovation
Atlas: What kind of renovation?
Standing up, I walked back into the empty room full of building supplies and took a selfie, making sure to get my overalls in the shot. My red curls poked out of the bandana I had covering my head and I had plaster on my arms.
Atlas: Holy shit, sexy, smart, and a badass. I won the lottery
Me: So sexy in my plaster covered overalls
Atlas: You’d be sexy in anything. Even more sexy in nothing
Me: Well don’t I get a selfie in return?
“Someone’s enjoying herself out here. What’s that smile about?” Micah teased as he joined me.
“Texting Atlas,” I admitted.