Page 45 of Knot Your Fairytale
“What was it about the Forrest Pack that drew you in? Why them over all the other packs?”
“At first, they were like all the other packs, flirty and nice. But after a few dates, it felt different. We got along well and kept things casual, but the omega and I got along well, sharing the same love for books and talked about them. It felt natural. Now I wonder if he even read the books or if he just used it as a way to draw me in.”
“Now something I’ve been wondering since the last episode… do you think they planned this all along and everyone was on board?”
“Who knows and frankly, I don’t care. I’ve moved on and they will be, too, soon I’m sure,” I said with a laugh. “Any pack formed on lies and manipulation isn’t going to go far. I would definitely say I won in the end, didn’t I?”
“You won being single,” he said around laughter. I was getting really fucking tired of this man.
“No, I’m not single,” I said. “I’m also not stuck with a pack that lies without shame. I get to live my life how I want and the show has given me quite a few things. A new confidence for once, because I was true to myself. I’m not the same girl now, any naivety I had is gone.”
It was almost as if he couldn’t understand my words or where to go from there. This time, his laughter was a little bit awkward and I did an internal fist pump, glad I could throw him off. Grady was kind of an asshole.
“So, how do you feel about the fact that she slept with your pack before you even had a chance or I assume you didn’t even have a chance?” he tried to goad me
“We all have our own styles of getting to know partners. I wanted to make sure we were compatible and so did she in her own way.”
He frowned for a quick second before he moved on.
“Can you tell us who you’re dating now if you aren’t single?” He tried to make it seem like we were pals, sharing a secret.
“Absolutely not,” I said. “My life is now off limits. What you saw in the show is all you’ll get from me. All I can say is that I’m happy and know what a real pack is like.”
“So, what I’m hearing is you’re still naive, you still think there’s a happily ever after out there for you, for everyone,” he scoffed like I was a stupid, little girl.
“It doesn’t matter what you believe or what you think of my choices. I’m happy and glad I left all this behind. I hope they make each other very happy,” I said evenly, not letting him rile me now when we were so close to the end.
Grady looked surprised when somebody in the audience started cheering for me and then it went into a full-blown applause. It was kind of nice knowing that I was living the life that I’d always wished I could and setting an example for other omegas. We’re in charge of our own happiness. That’s something I learned the hard way and something I’ll never forget.
“You’ve moved on well,” he said almost reluctantly. “Do you think you’ll ever talk to them again?”
“Not unless I have to for the network,” I said honestly.
“What if they’re sorry and they want to give it a shot?”
I laughed at the thought. They’d surely have to grow some big balls to approach me again now.
“Then I guess I’d be the one doing the rejecting. For now, I’ve got a new job, new town, and new life. I don’t want anything to do with them.”
Grady asked a few more questions and I quickly answered them but I could tell that he was over the interview. I hadn’t given him the gossip to run with like he wanted.
When I hung up, I was utterly exhausted and thankful it was over.
One interview down.
The fact they wanted me to do multiple interviews was crazy. I had no clue what else they thought they’d get from me. I wasn’t obligated to share anything new about my life other than vague details. I’d given my honest opinions on the others. Where else could they take it?
I pulled my phone from the tripod and tucked it into my pocket. My heels were kicked unceremoniously to the side. They were useless since all he saw was my face and torso but they gave the boost of confidence I needed at the time.
Micah was working in his office today but the moment my door opened, he opened his as well. His face was expectant and he must have seen my frustration because he rushed over to hug me. My brother, honestly, thought hugs could solve everything and dammit if his hugs didn’t actually make me feel better.
“I’m going to go grab a coffee. You want one to get through your afternoon?” I questioned.
“I don’t need coffee,” he laughed. “I’m just going to grab a bottle of water.” He took off toward the kitchen. “How did it go?”
“It sucked, but it’s over. Everything was pretty much what I expected. Stupid questions and more fake people. He didn’t like that I wasn’t giving in to gossip or sobbing on the screen. They asked for authentic and they got it. The network must have thought I would be a sobbing mess.”
“I’m proud of you, Ellie. This was an awful situation all around and you’ve kicked it in the dick,” he said. His phone rang in the other room before he could give me more strange pep talks.