Page 60 of Knot Your Fairytale
Micah must have heard my tires screeching as I came to a stop because he was throwing open the front door and looking around frantically.
That or Collin was a step ahead.
“Ellie, are you okay?” Micah called out. She was already running toward him then past him and her poor brother looked close to panic.
It likely didn’t help his nerves that I looked like a raging bull, breathing in deeply to calm myself down. My muscles were still tense but at least my boner was down again.
“She’s going into heat,” I told him as I passed. “She’s grabbing a few things.”
“Wait, Ellie!” he yelled and ran inside. “Are you safe? You’re going with them?” he tried to keep it quiet but his anxiety had him half yelling.
Ellie let out a startled laugh.
“First, I’m not discussing my heat with my brother and second, yes I am. I’m coherent, just struggling and close to heat. I’m going with them and we’ll be safe. I’m choosing this.”
Hearing her say that so calmly was reassuring. Part of me had already questioned if this was too fast for her and if she’d regret it.
That was all the time Ellie took to stop and say something to him, rushing through the house into her room. She grabbed an empty laundry hamper and shoved it in my hands before starting to throw things inside; pillows, blankets, anything soft within reach. I even saw a plush animal at one point but she was moving so quickly I could barely keep up.
“I’m going to need some more pillows and blankets. I don’t have a nest,” her green eyes were full of panic and her breath went from calm to erratic.
I sat the basket aside and pulled her into a hug. She melted into it and took a few calming breaths.
“Ellie, I promise you we will make you the best nest we possibly can when this is over. We weren’t expecting this, so we didn’t have time to prepare. We’ll do right by you Ellie, even if we don’t have it perfect this time. Next time, we’ll treat you like a queen.”
Tears started to run down her cheek and it startled me. I wasn’t used to girls crying and I didn’t really know what to say, but thankfully, I’d already given her the reassurance she needed.
Ellie squeezed me one last time before turning back to her task. I picked up the basket in enough time to catch another round of soft items. When she was satisfied she moved on to a backpack, shoving in a change of clothes and necessities.
She disappeared into the bathroom and I could hear the clang of bottles and something hit the floor before she was running back out.
When Hurricane Ellie was done ransacking her bedroom and bathroom, she practically shoved me out of the door.
“We have to go right now,” she declared before yelling a quick goodbye to her brother.
I secured her things before putting her in the truck and strapping her in. She leaned in and breathed me in, rubbing herself against me and I swore as my cock thickened again. We were both so on edge I knew we were entering dangerous territory.
We lived in a society where it was impossible to not know someone who was going into heat in public before, but I rarely saw someone slam so quickly into it.
“Is this normal?” I questioned as I started the car. She didn’t answer as I drove across town and I didn’t press her. Collin lived on the complete opposite side of town, we’d be lucky to make it in one piece.
I nearly broke off the button to put down the window, desperate to get fresh air into the cab before I had us crashing.
“I don’t know,” Ellie whimpered as she writhed in her seat. “But if you don’t get me there soon I’m going to strip right here in the car.” I had a feeling she was being serious.
“For the love of God, do not do that,” I begged. “This town does not want to see my ass and if you get naked that’s going to be an inevitability.”
She let out a small chuckle that turned into a moan. The sweet, intoxicating scent of her slick hit me and I nearly swerved. It took everything in me to keep driving, my head nearly out of the window, breathing in the fresh air, as I navigated through the streets.
Thankfully, I knew this town well enough to have no issues finding Collin’s house. I pulled in front of the ranch-style house a few minutes later.
My cock was aching fiercely and it wasn’t easy to move but I forced myself out of the car and around to her side, scooping my omega into my arms. She nuzzled into my neck, whimpering. She was warm and sweaty and the moment she nibbled on my neck, I felt my control snapping.
The guys opened the door and ushered us in, eyes wide at the state that she’d gotten so quickly. Nobody commented on it as Collin led us back to his bedroom. Thankfully, he had a king-sized bed and it looked like they’d stripped it and changed the sheets for her.
“Someone go to my truck and grab her stuff. There’s a hamper and a bag,” I said as I settled her on the bed. Atlas and Dean took off at a run as our omega shifted uncomfortably on the bed, whispering pleas.
Collin started to move forward but I held him back with a hand.