Page 28 of Breaking Bailey
He might be a dick but his cock was what dreams and nightmares were made off. With enough practice, fucking him could easily become my favorite hobby.
Sterling’s fingers dug into my hips as his hot seed filled me up. He continued fucking me slowly, pushing his cum in further, and I hoped my birth control could handle the challenge.
Sweat clung to my skin, and my legs were shaking. At this point, I felt like I was floating. These men might be terrifying at times or drive me crazy, but they sure knew how to fuck me senseless. That was definitely a win in my book.
“We’re knotted together, Bailey. No escaping. Tell me what this means,” he demanded as he reached over and swept the note into his hand.
Fuck. I thought I hid that in time.
“Did you fuck me just to get the note and force me to talk to you?” I asked, supremely annoyed and the slightest bit impressed. “That might be the biggest dick move I’ve ever experienced.”
“This knot is good for more than just blowing your mind. Fucking talk, Bailey.”
“Again, I have no idea why you think I should trust you with this information. I know nothing about you, Sterling. Nothing.”
He growled in frustration and slammed his hips forward, making me whimper as my overly sensitive pussy was stretched again.
“It’s my job to keep your ass safe, so start fucking talking!” This time, he yelled it. Somehow, I’d gotten myself backed into a corner and bent over this desk, tied with an angry alpha that I wanted just as much as I hated.
I’m an idiot. Or am I?
My lack of progress was making me feel like the breadcrumbs the Syndicate had given me were nothing, so maybe I could use him for more than just a quickie as well. Sure, I could shrug it off and stay silent for however long it took for his knot to stop holding me captive, or I could give him just enough to get him to back off.
“It’s an address.”
He let out a long, tired sigh. “I can see that much. What is it for, Bailey?”
“You saw my search, Sterling. It’s a hotel, local, family owned. That’s literally all I know about it.”
“Are you meeting someone there?”
“No,” I said honestly. My voice must have sounded genuine because he didn’t argue about that fact.
“What does it mean, then?” he continued.
“No clue,” I said, tapping my nails against the desk just to annoy him and give myself something to focus on. This was probably the most awkward form of aftercare I’d ever experienced in my life.
“You do know that I’m never going to fuck you again after this, right?” I said angrily. He laughed like there was some big joke that I just wasn’t getting the punchline to.
“Oh, don’t worry, Bailey, you’ll be begging for it at some point. I can’t wait to see you on your knees. I’m sure you’ll look so good there.”
“It won’t look good when I bite off your dick,” I said as I grabbed the empty coffee cup from my desk and slammed it into him. He cursed when the ceramic bounced off his body and shattered on the floor next to us.
The shock of my attack had his knot going down, and he pulled away, leaving me there. He didn’t even bother to put his clothes on before he walked to the main bathroom, cursing my name.
I was still reeling from the entire encounter. The fact he took it this far to get information wasn’t just infuriating, it was insulting.
I still wasn’t sure if this was all a way to get a step ahead of his brothers or a means of getting me on my knees, not just for sex butrealsubmission. If that was what he thought he was going to get out of this mate, he was dead wrong.
I hated to admit that part of me was hurt as well. I’d never felt so dirty in my life. It was one thing to hate fuck me, but it was another to use and discard me like trash.
What the fuck was wrong with Sterling?
When I could finally force myself to move again, I went into my bathroom, locking the door behind me before I took a shower. At least here I could convince myself that the hot tracks running down my cheeks were simply water, not tears.
Maybe leaving them behind when I escaped this job wouldn’t be so hard after all.
Or at least leavinghim.