Page 47 of Breaking Bailey
After using the restroom and washing my hands, I glanced up into the mirror, almost laughing at the smile that ghosted across my lips. I’d somehow managed to find my own brand of happiness in the midst of all this chaos and danger. I hadn’t been expecting it, but it was here all the same.
The guys were good to me in their own way, and the unconventional mates that I’d found were perfect.
Someone moved behind me, and I turned my smile their way before it dropped. I tried to scream, but the masked figure was quicker than I was, clamping a hand over my mouth. My hands lashed out, and I knocked something off of the counter, but he didn’t seem to care. I breathed in to scream out for my guys, still fighting, but an acrid scent burned my nostrils.
Fuck. No, no, no!
My head spun, and my vision blurred. It felt like my body was being filled with lead. Every muscle grew heavy, weakening me until I couldn’t hold myself upright. The stranger broke my fall, scooping me up quickly. I barely registered the sounds of the kitchen before the darkness won.
Something heavy and dark covered my head, the opaque linen obstructing the view of wherever I was. It smelled of dirt, sweat, and copper, which I promptly tried to convince myself wasn’t blood.
The air was cold on my naked arms, but I counted it as a blessing since the rest of me was still covered.
I’d somehow found myself in yet another terrible situation. Kidnapping: two. Bailey: zero.
When I tried to move my arms to get them free, the chair I was tied to squeaked across what was likely a concrete floor. It teetered precariously, and I slammed my feet down more firmly to stop myself from getting a concussion.
“Look, Sleeping Beauty’s awake,” a voice taunted. It was rough and throaty like they smoked six packs a day.
“Look, Billy Bob, I’d love to greet you, but I can’t actually see anything with this on.” My head slammed to the side when a fist came in contact with my cheek. Apparently, he didn’t like the sarcasm that had slipped out thanks to my panicked state.
“That was rude,” I muttered before I could stop myself, bracing myself for another hit.
This time, it didn’t come. The black hood was ripped off of my head, and I looked up into the glaring eyes of an alpha. His hair was buzzed so close to his scalp I could see the scars that marred it.
In fact, scars lined most of his visible body, and he had a few fresh cuts through his clothes that would likely add to that collection.
His teeth were brown in spots and decaying that enough his breath smelled like death when he leaned into my face.
At least I didn’t tell him that out loud.
“Have anything else to add, princess?” he asked while I fought not to gag.
“Yes. Where the fuck am I, and why am I tied to a chair?” I ground out. “What the hell do you want?”
He chuckled. “Asking the right questions now, aren’t we?” He was trying to goad me, likely so he could slam his meaty fists into my face again.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Me?” he said, his hand landing across his chest as if he were touched to be asked. “My name is Danny. Who are you? Oh wait, you’re the bitch that works for the senator. The one who’s going to tell useverythingyou know.” He ended with a cackle that had fear slamming into me, clawing at my chest and refusing to let go. But I wasn’t going to lose my mind. I couldn’t. I hadn’t come this fucking far just to get killed by some psycho.
“About what?” All snark was gone from my voice now. “The senator’s activities? That’s pretty much public knowledge in the age of social media. He’s running for office.”
Danny Boy did not like how I was talking to him. His arm cocked back again and slammed into my face, my chair scraping across the ground from the force of it. I couldn’t brace myself before the chair fell on its side, my head hitting the concrete floor hard enough that stars danced in front of my eyes.
Fuck, that hurt.
Between this and the previous attack, I’d be lucky to live through this goddamned mission.
Danny wasn’t done with me yet. He reached down and lifted me by my shirt until the chair was upright. He walked it backwards, scraping it against the floor and making me shudder, until I hit the wall. His hand tightened around my throat so I had to fight for air. If I wasn’t forcing myself to stay calm, I’d have passed out.
“Defiant, aren’t you? This is not a fucking game, little girl,” he growled. Spit sprayed my face, which only made it harder to breathe since I had to also fight my gag reflex.
“I never said it was,” I rasped through gritted teeth. “You’re the one who didn’t answer my questions.”