Page 68 of Breaking Bailey
“Let him waste his money. We’ll save ours for the more prestigious items,” he said back with a mocking laugh.
Henry didn’t react in the slightest, his focus on the room and his bid. This was the first item to end under a million, but he came out on top.
“Got it!” he said unnecessarily. With a wide grin, he winked at me and settled back in his chair.
“You did,” I said, giving him a bright smile. “Excuse me, I have to sneak off to the ladies room now that the good items are gone.” He laughed at my teasing and stood up to let me out.
I’d barely taken five steps before I was flanked by the alphas. The betas were staying behind to watch the room.
“Bailey?” My name echoed in the silent hallway, and we paused. The guys moved slightly in front of me so Carlisle couldn’t approach.
He held up his hands and sighed. “Look, I’m not here to cause trouble. I heard Burke was here and took a gamble that you would be too.”
“What do you want?” I asked. My voice was even, but I was wary of this man. He didn’t seem the type to attack his opponents, but outside of the kidnapping, we’d never figured out who was responsible for any of the attacks.
“To clear the air,” he admitted. “I know what the press has said, what the rumors are.”
“That you’re behind all of the attacks,” I clarified when he trailed off in frustration. He nodded, though he looked like he was struggling to say the right thing.
“I’ve been torn up about it and unsure if I could even approach you without causing further issues. I’m not the type to harm an omega or, hell, anyone. I do believe that what Burke is doing is detrimental to this city and the country, but I would never hurt an innocent to put a stop to it.”
“That’s good to hear,” I said. “If I can be frank, it’s been a terrifying few weeks. I miss the safety that my life used to have, but at least the election is over soon. Hopefully we can all go about our lives without fear once it’s done.”
“One can hope,” he said with a nod. “I can’t wish you luck, but I do wish you safety.”
“Thanks,” I said, giving him a smile. He nodded once before walking away.
“The senator is going to get worried,” Sterling said after I stared at the empty hallway a few moments too long.
“Right,” I said, hurrying to the bathroom like I’d originally planned. I didn’t even complain when they followed me inside.
The auction was still in full swing when I snuck back into my seat, and Burke was too busy watching the bidding to give me a second glance, which was for the best. I was still debating telling him about the encounter with Carlisle. I didn’t want him doubting me, and with my luck, someone with a big mouth had seen me talking to his opponent.
“There’s a mixer after,” Burke told me when the bidding ended. “Once the room clears a bit, we can join in. I have to stay anyway to pay for my paintings.”
“Sounds great,” I said. “Senator, Carlisle was here.”
His eyes snapped to mine. “I didn’t see him.”
“He approached me when I ran to the restroom,” I told him. “He wanted to tell me that he was glad I was safe, and he insisted he wasn’t involved.”
“Do you believe him?” His question caught me off guard. I’d expected anger, not a question that made it seem like he was actually thinking about this.
“Not necessarily. Outside of his public image, I don’t know the man at all. I’m not going to trust someone who tells me they’re innocent without good reason,” I countered, playing it safe.
“Good.” He almost sounded smug. Alphas were some of the pettiest damn people I’d ever met.
“Ah, Henry, interesting bid,” a man called out as we started to leave our seats.
“It was a wise choice, mark my words,” Burke said with confidence that had the man chuckling.
“You’ve always been one for risks. Are we still on for dinner Thursday? Corrine is so excited to catch up with your wife.”
“Of course,” Henry said. “Bailey, why don’t you join us for dinner? You wouldadoreCorrine. She’s got a behind-the-scenes role in the campaign. In fact, she worked with me during the last election.”
“Oh, I would love to!” I gushed. “She sounds lovely.”
“She’s a firecracker, that’s for certain,” the man said. “I’m Brandon. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bailey. I look forward to Thursday.”