Page 79 of Breaking Bailey
“You’ll have to trust them,” I said. “It’s not like I can say no.” I didn’t feel that comfortable with this scenario, but what could I do? If I didn’t put on a strong front and hold my ground, they’d figure out that I was reluctant to do this. The second any of them noticed that, they’d quadruple down, and I’d never get out of her unaccompanied. I wanted our new lease on life together to start off without a hitch, not with making an enemy of an organization that had the ability to make our lives miserable—or end them.
“I don’t like this,” Weston said. “We’ll just follow you.”
“No, this won’t work if I can never be away from you.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Look at what’s happened in mere weeks,” Sterling protested. His anger hadn’t cooled in the least.
“Where was the Syndicate when you were taken?” Hayes argued. Even Bentley looked skeptical.
“Not watching me around the clock,” I pointed out. “There’s no other way to do this. The Syndicate could prove a powerful ally if we don’t fuck this up.”
That had them all staring me down with varying levels of pissed off, but they couldn’t argue my point. I couldn’t guarantee my safety, but I needed to do this.
I was so close to freedom.
A week later
The address led me a block away from the Garrison. The building was abandoned, with plywood nailed to the windows and a condemnation notice tacked to the door.
My gaze dropped back to the screen then shifted to the numbers over the door. I was definitely in the right spot, but a feeling of dread burrowed its way into my stomach.
Suddenly, I wished my pack was with me. The Syndicate had been clear that I come alone, but the guys weren’t okay with that. It was a miracle that I’d managed to get them to wait a block away. We had a bond now, so they would know if danger struck. Plus, there was a tracking device in my shoe… and another sewn into my clothes.
With a deep breath, I pulled on the front door, surprised when it easily swung open. The outside was clearly a front. The building looked like an office on the inside, albeit an unkempt one. Desks and chairs were shoved aside, and a singular table sat in the very center of the room, with two chairs on either side.
My footsteps stirred up dust as I walked further into the room. This couldn’t be right. Why would the Syndicate call me here?
“What the fuck is this place?” I turned at the sound of Crystal’s voice and froze when I saw the two men flanking her as she followed me into the building. The alphas were mountains of men, and one held a gun on me while his counterpart slowly moved forward. “Nevermind, just take her.”
I turned and bolted, diving around the debris and making my way to the back. The hallway was lined with doors, but every single one was locked.
So much for trusting the fucking Syndicate. From her confusion, I doubted she knew what the meeting point was, however, she waltzed in and was trying to capture me. The thud of footsteps followed me to the end of the hall, where I ended up cornered. The closest door was locked tight like the others.
“Don’t touch me. I have backup meeting me here.”
His gum-lined grin widened. “Then I guess I better hurry, huh?” He let off one shot, and I covered my ears as pain lanced through them.
“What the fuck?” My question was left unanswered. He grabbed me, slapping duct tape over my mouth and carrying me out, unperturbed by how hard I fought. I was shoved into a trunk.
The drive was short, and I had a distinct suspicion we were at the Garrison.
I glanced around as I was unceremoniously yanked from the trunk. We weren’t at the Garrison, but the building next door. They’d come to the service entrance, where a large dumpster and several crates of boxes blocked the view around us.
“Walk,” the man ordered as he shoved me, nearly making me fall to the crack-mottled pavement.
“Fuck you,” I growled, cursing the Syndicate in my head.
I was led through a back door, and they didn’t stop until we were winding down to the basement where I was shoved into a room. Or a cell, more like. There was a drain in the middle, and the floor was still damp—with what, I didn’t know. A soggy mattress was in one corner next to a chain and shackle.
That was it.
“Welcome home, bitch,” Crystal spit out as she walked in behind me. Her muscle men stood outside, keeping watch. She walked forward, her heels clicking, and I silently hoped I got to watch her slip and fall.
Crystal ripped the tape from my mouth, and I took the opportunity to finally scream at her. “Fuck you, Crystal. Why the hell am I here?”