Page 82 of Breaking Bailey
I didn’t bother to shake it, my eyes narrowing.
“So the meetup was a setup to use me as bait?”
“In a way, yes. We did call your men the moment you walked inside. I knew Crystal wouldn’t hurt you, and we were all on standby.”
“I should have killed the bitch!” Crystal shouted, and that was the final thread of my sanity. I stalked over, cocked my fist back, and slammed it into her face. She crumpled, and the man behind her had to set her limp body on the ground.
“Damn, nice hit,” Laura remarked. “I’m sorry, Bailey. I’d like to say we had another way, but this operation was years in the making, and you got us the perfect confession with her admittance of guilt and her signing in on her computer. Hayes, if you will, send us the information. Fowler, you could learn a thing or two from this guy.”
“Sure,” Hayes said, then he carefully pulled a USB from his pocket. My beta was always prepared.
My head was spinning, and the drop in adrenaline was making my hands shake. Weston took one and Cyrus the other, the two men clinging to me like I was their lifeline. This was their greatest fear, and it had almost become a reality.
“How did you not kill them all when they told you?”
My question was met by hollow laughter, but it was Laura who answered. “If I’d been nearby, they might have. You have a loyal pack, Bailey. I’m glad you can stop pretending. That was painful to observe.”
“I’m sorry it was so tough for you to watch,” I said drily.
“Despite the things we’ve had to do, just know that your work here, known or not, saved hundreds of omegas, Bailey. You were not the first sent in, and even I failed to keep up the act. You were the first to succeed. You gave everything you had to this, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.” She grinned. “Just wait until those bonuses hit your bank. You’ll be set for life, and we’ll always be a message away.”
“And if I find more leads on things like this?”
“I knew you were the type to hold on to. Welcome aboard, Bailey. We’ll lend what resources we can if that should arise. We’ll also send possible missions from time to time.”
“Perfect,” I muttered, finally calming down a bit. “And the girls?”
Her face tightened. “They’ll get the help they need. We’ve got a safehouse prepared and fully staffed. Hopefully, they’ll lead a normal life, or as normal as they can after living through this.”
“Wait,” I gasped, rushing past them and earning a few curses from my pack. I stopped in the room full of omegas.
“What are you doing?” Cyrus growled. A few nearby omegas cowered, and he held his hands up, uttering quick apologies.
“Is there a Molly here?” I called out. The room was quiet enough that it echoed. After a moment of tense silence, a petite redhead stepped forward.
“What’s your dad’s name, sweetheart?” She took a moment, blinking at me in confusion.
“Call him, Cyrus. Now,” I ordered before turning to her. “He never stopped looking for you.”
She sobbed in response, and I rushed forward to catch her when she began to collapse. He’d helped us, and I’d promised to keep an eye out. It soothed something in me to keep that promise to him.
I rocked the omega, holding her tight and reminding her that she was free now. Cyrus slipped out to meet his friend, which was a relief. Having a purpose would help keep him calm.
The man must have sped because just as her tears had dried, no less than fifteen minutes later, he was running into the room with Cyrus.
“Molly!” His voice was hoarse with tears as he pulled her from my arms as gently as he could. It was rare to see an alpha break down, but this man was in tears as he held his baby.
“Can we go now?” Sterling asked. His voice was hard, but I knew it wasn’t toward me.
“No, I want to see this through,” I said. “They may need help getting the omegas loaded. Hayes is still working, anyway.”
“He’s a big boy. He’d find a way home,” Sterling muttered, but it was half-hearted. This place was stressing them out, but I had a feeling that helping to clear the room would be cathartic in its own way. I knew it would be for me.
“Is anyone hurt and needs immediate medical attention?” a woman in scrubs called out. Her eyes were wide and terrified, and she stood alone.
A few of the girls answered, and I walked over to join her. “I’m here to help. I’d say they can too, but I don’t know how anyone feels about that.”