Page 10 of Reckless Wolf
“W-what are you doing in here?” I demanded, aghast at the prospect that I might have to defend myself against Jesse’s guards, too. I’d never even thought of that before, and it churned my stomach.
“I have a message for you,” he rasped, inching forward.
His demeanor wasn’t that of a shifter about to strike, but something akin to fear. I couldn’t help but be wary of this unwarranted visit, even when he thrust an envelope toward me. My stomach clenched when I recognized the seal, my knees buckling slightly.
Shivers turned into goosebumps as I gazed at the guard, but he looked toward the door nervously.
“Hurry up and read it,” he snapped. “I can’t stay here long.”
I didn’t claim to understand what was happening, but I tore open the page and scanned the writing, biting down on my lower lip so hard, blood poured into my mouth.
Bianca Barrett,
Please find enclosed a formal offer of employment. Beginning tomorrow night, your services will be required at the Golden Halcyon as my assistant. As you are currently in my debt, I would advise you to accept these terms and respond forthwith.
Dumbfounded, my head jerked up, and I gaped at Gregor—or George… Whatever.
“Does Jesse know you’re here?” I whispered.
His face paled. “Don’t be an idiot. What’s your answer?”
A million different thoughts raced through my head. How could Atlas possibly think that I could work for him? I’d have to sneak out every night and leave Dahlia. If Jesse ever found out…
“I’m thinking!” I barked, stirring Dahlia from her restless slumber.
“You better think faster,” the guard replied. “Because I’m leaving in exactly thirty seconds—answer or no answer.”
“Tell him yes,” I said, thrusting the letter back at him.
Geronimo stared at it. “I’m not taking that.”
“It can’t stay here!”
He grumbled something under his breath and grabbed it, spinning around to leave.
“Hey!” I called out after him. “What’s your name?”
He paused and exhaled. “Gideon.”
I nodded.
Gideon. I knew it started with a G.
“Thank you.”
He jerked his head back toward me, gray eyes narrowing into slits.
“This doesn’t make us friends, girlie. I have a job to do, and I won’t let you ruin it for me.”
My heart sank. Was I really that transparent?
Gideon was gone before I could respond, and Dahlia woke.
“Was that Jesse?” she mumbled. “Are we married to him now? Did he do anything to me?”