Page 13 of Reckless Wolf
Again, the image of those wide, doe eyes filtered through my now awake mind, and I had my answer. Bianca wasn’t going to stop until she got what she wanted.
I knew that type well.
It was less than half a mile from my lavish home to the Golden Halcyon, a design of my own making. I liked to be close enough to my flagship casino to keep an eye on matters, but with enough of a distance to leave it where it was when I needed to detach.
I drove my luxury SUV to the back entrance, utilizing the service elevator to the top floor. I was back in my office in less than fifteen minutes from the moment that Petyr had first entered my bedroom, but it felt like an eternity.
Sage appeared first, shaking her head mutely as she rose from the patent leather couch, and I exhaled a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. Bianca sat at the far end, her face drawn and worried as she stared blankly out the window. Instantly, her head turned toward me, deer-like eyes brightening when they lay on me. She jumped to her feet.
“You came!” she rasped, rushing toward me.
I held out my hands to stop her, even though all I could think about was hauling her up and shoving her against a wall.
If she touched me, I might do just that.
“So did you,” I said calmly, sternly. “That’s not what you were supposed to do.”
She stopped in her tracks and looked at me.
“You sent me a note,” she reminded me.
Like I’d thought of anything else since.
“And you were to send word with the guard, not come back here. You could have been in big trouble if I weren’t around.”
“They threw me in jail again!” she complained, throwing her hands up. Shockingly, my lip twitched up. “Is that any way to treat an employee? And I tried to tell them that I worked here, too, but they weren’t listening. That Mac guy—”
“Why do you keep calling him Mac?” I asked, partially irritated, half amused.
She blinked and paused mid-sentence.
“That’s his name, isn’t it?”
“The heads of security are Petyr and Virgil.”
Bianca’s frown deepened.
“That lion shifter downstairs, Mr. Ryan, called him Mac.”
I guffawed in spite of myself.
“Ryan? He calls everyone he deems beneath him ‘Mac.’ Like a lower-class citizen. It’s an insult.”
Bianca’s plump, fuck-me lips parted in shock, her eyes enlarging in shame.
“Oh…” she breathed. “I didn’t know. I wasn’t trying to insult him. I don’t think I’m any better than him. Trust me. I really don’t.”
“That’s not really the issue here anyway, Bianca,” I sighed, shoving aside my amusement. “I thought I made it clear when you left here that you can’t just come and go as you please.”
“You did, and then you sent the note!” she huffed, narrowing her eyes in defiance.
The gesture made me snort, but I managed to smother it before she could see it. I couldn’t figure out what to do with her except bend her over the sofa, spread her wide, and give her what I was dying to give her.
And that was completely out of the question.
“You may come back tonight if you have agreed to take the job,” I offered primly, turning around to leave. “But you can’t stay.”
“Dammit! No! You can’t walk out again!”