Page 67 of Reckless Wolf
“Oh, Atlas!” Bianca wailed, burying her hands in her face. “This is awful. This is all because of me!”
“This is all because of Gabriel,” I corrected her firmly, joining her side. “His stupid curse was pointless. I would never go after his descendants. He was an overcautious fool who bred more idiots in the process.”
“I can’t stay here. We have to leave!”
Ice water pelted through my veins at the idea. The week I’d spent without her had been the most miserable of my life.
“You’re not going anywhere,” I growled, taking her hand firmly. “You’re mine. You belong with me.”
“You’ll lose everything! How many more people need to get hurt?”
“The curse can only demolish my empire as it stands,” I said reasonably. “It’s already taken a good chunk. There’s not too much more to go.”
She stared at me dubiously.
“How can you be so nonchalant about this?” she demanded. “It’s your life’s work, Atlas! You’ve been at this for centuries!”
“It’s only money,” I replied, maintaining my even expression, even if the words were venom in my mouth.
It had been more than just money. It had been blood, sweat, tears, and lost relationships. It had been a human love, Ilona, and creating loyalty among my people.
“Everything I have, I can get again. Everything except you.”
My words softened her face, but her dark eyes remained haunted.
“Now come with me,” I insisted again. “The shower awaits us.”
Without allowing her to answer, I swept her up in my arms and carried her into my private bathroom, her arms encircling my neck protectively. As long as I had Bianca, I was sure I could overcome anything.
Spent at Atlas’ side, I watched him sleep as I had my sister so many nights at Jesse’s compound. The same lingering fear wrenched my gut as I studied his broad chest, rising and falling, dreaming about something beautiful, I hoped. His face was expressionless, even in sleep, but I knew he was haunted by what had happened on his properties. He had to be. This was a wolf who gave back to his community, even if he did it covertly. He helped those who needed him, even when it meant risking everything. I knew that firsthand.
And he was risking everything because of me.
“Atlas.” I shook him awake, and he immediately sat up, head whipping around, looking for danger.
“What is it? What happened?”
I shook my head.
“Nothing,” I whispered. “I… I don’t think we can stay here, not anymore.”
He was fully awake now, his brilliant emerald eyes narrowing until I could barely see the light in them at all. Dawn filtered through the windows, and a stab of guilt pierced through me for having woken him. I should have waited. Why did I do that?
“What are you talking about?” he demanded. “What happened while I was sleeping?”
I again shook my head and reassured him that nothing had happened.
“The curse is going to make your life miserable,” I breathed, twirling my hands together. It had all sounded more mature in my head, but now, speaking it aloud, I felt like a stupid schoolgirl.
He relaxed slightly and flopped back onto the pillows, groaning.
“You’re going to drive yourself crazy if you keep doing this to yourself,” he warned. “Stop thinking about the curse. I shouldn’t have told you about it in the first place.”
Offended, I stared at him.