Page 71 of Reckless Wolf
Dahlia nodded, but as I started to shift, she stopped me.
“Hang on,” she said, glancing back down the pathway toward the house. “I want to talk to you about something first.”
I followed her gaze worriedly.
“Is Atlas having some kind of problem at the casinos?”
My spine stiffened.
“Why are you asking that?” I demanded. “What have you heard?”
Dahlia sighed heavily. “I’d heard a few rumors about fires or something, but today, when Sage was here, I overheard them talking. Or rather, what Sage was yelling at Atlas.”
My eyebrows shot up.
“She was yelling at Atlas?” I asked dubiously.
“Well, for like half a second,” my twin admitted. “He put an end to that really fast. He’s not the kind of guy you yell at.”
“No. He’s not.”
I waited expectantly, twilight calling out the evening critters to fill the air with chirps and tweets as we stood alone, inhaling the crisp coolness around us.
“Apparently, Atlas is being investigated.”
“Whatever is happening at his casinos is beginning to look like fraud or something? I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but he’s about to have legal problems. Atlas cut her off before I could really understand what they were talking about.”
Blood drained out of my face.
Things were getting worse every day, and Atlas was trying to shield me from it.
“Dammit!” I cursed, kicking at the dirt.
“I’m sure he’ll figure it out, Bee. I mean, he’s Atlas Mitchell. He’s got people everywhere for these kinds of things, I’m sure.”
My sister didn’t understand because she didn’t know anything about the curse.
“Never mind,” I muttered. “Let’s go on that run, okay?”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Instead of answering, I just growled playfully, “Catch me if you can.”
I shifted into my wolf form, splaying my limbs out to break into a run. Sorrow filled my heart as Dahlia giggled and followed suit, chasing after me.
I wanted to enjoy this run with her because it would be the last we would take for a long while. I knew what I had to do now. I had to go, to leave Atlas and hope that his luck would turn, that the curse would lessen. Dahlia would be well cared for in his house. I could come back for her when I was situated somewhere and things had calmed down. But for now, I had to leave Covale City and Atlas behind.
It was the only way to save the man I loved and his empire. I cared for him enough to do that for him. It was the only way…
If they still could be saved.