Page 36 of Love and Horns
This is why chicks complicate things. I told her exactly what she wanted to hear and she is still pissed, her forehead practically a topographical map of the Himalayas with how wrinkled it is from her frown.
“Your stupid walls keep everyone out and that’s all we know. I thought we were sort of becoming friends…kissing friends but still friends nonetheless but you won’t stop pushing against it. Tell me something new, show me another side. Please,” the begging from her lips practically hardens my dormant dick all over again.
This is it, this is the moment where I decide if this ends here or keeps going. If I let her in or lock her out. And fuck do I want to let her under my skin to take root and apply for citizenship.
But instead, I pause too long and she leaves without knowing how badly I wanted to give her exactly what she asked for. The side of me that no one ever sees, no one knows, no one can love.
That side has nothing to show for its life spent in this world. Without my career, without my hard work and laundry list of notoriety, what else do I have to offer?
The metal door clangs shut and in the haunting silence without our voices battling, I hear the camera still clicking from the timer, capturing every scowl and look she gave me. Immortalized to haunt me, just like I knew she would.
“Sowait,youjustyelled in his face about how stupid he is? That’s bold even for you, girl. I mean, he is kinda your boss…that might have been too much,” Rory attempts to be the voice of reason.
The problem with her voice of reason is it can’t undo what I already said and did. He had the nerve to make it seem like I was using him yet every time we have been alone together, it has been him benefiting. Recent orgasm aside that is.
BK has said on multiple occasions that he isn’t actually my boss and besides, we are two consenting adults doing consensual adult things to each other. He evened the score with all of the work he put in with his tongue.
If I was trying to get something to sell to the tabloids, it would be better if I could say he was bad at the things people usually do in the dark. Or that his manhood was weird in some way. Neither of those are true about BK.
He dared to act like he spilled every secret to me. I know close to nothing about him, and all I seem to do is spill my guts whenever I talk to him.
“I was so pissed, Ror, you don’t even know! He pretty much accused me of trying to get in his pants for the fame. ME! Of course, I was mad. He might as well have just come right out and called me a gold-digging hussy.”
“Wow, that’s a strong statement coming from you. I mean shit, you almost swore! This guy is getting under your skin, huh?”
I can deny that he is, lie through every word of my denial, but I know that she will see right through me. We have been friends long enough that we can call each others bluff, especially when it comes to the opposite sex.
“He’s under my skin like a splinter that you can’t get out. It’s not what you think,” I explain, shaking my head at how absurd her accusation is.
“A splinter that you keep trying to suck out?” As if the sexual undertone of her question wasn’t enough, she is also waggling her eyebrows and pushing her tongue in a vulgar way against her cheek. I wish I had something to throw at her right now.
“I sucked him one time! That doesn’t make it a trend.”
“Oh, of course. So a splinter that gets under your skin but also makes you come like a freight train?”
“That’s it, I have officially decided we are enemies. Get out of my apartment.”
She is on me in a heartbeat, holding me tight against my own free will, and making baby noises in my ear about how I will never get rid of her that easily.
“I’m just saying, if you have hooked up a few times and things on set haven’t gotten weird, maybe you could make it work. Weirder things have happened and even though you claim you don’t like him, I know how that kindergarten crush bullshit works. The more you hate him, the more you care.”
“Even if that was what I wanted, he would never go for it. He doesn’t date, especially not women he works with. He has been burned too many times to sail that ship again. It’s basically the Titanic in his mind with the relationship being the boat and the inevitable unavoidable tabloids being every iceberg on the planet.”
Rory is still holding me tight against her chest and with her height, I am smushed tightly in her cleavage, held hostage as she strokes my hair.
“That’s a terrible analogy! And you thought my splinter one was bad.”
“I mean it’s only a terrible analogy if you think it’s not right. But in his eyes, that’s exactly what it’s like. Pretty sure the only person he trusts in the world is his little sister.”
“Wait like a little kid? That is pretty sad…”
“No, I mean she’s younger but I’m pretty sure she’s in her twenties. He said they are only a few years apart.”
“Oh, I mean. I guess that’s slightly less weird. But still, he doesn’t have any guy friends or anything?”
“Ror, he works harder than I do. We are only friends because I can’t get rid of you and we are neighbors. If I had to work for this, we wouldn’t be.”
“Plus you love me…”