Page 38 of Love and Horns
"I know Ell, what the hell was I thinking? I just…fuck, I don't know how to get her to listen that it wasn't as malicious as she thought."
She breaks the quiet with one of her ever-philosophical lines of wisdom.
"You can't change what she thought at the moment, that damage is already done. What you can control is how she thinks about it moving forward." She pauses, pondering what she is going to say next. "Don't let one stupid sentence ruin what you had…assuming it was good?"
The question is awkward coming from my little sister for fucks sake, but I can't help it when I blurt out "So fucking good."
"Right, well, then show her the good parts again and keep your dumbass boy brain in check."
Ever the eloquent one.
Me:Ineedyouon set early tomorrow
Me: Please
Ass Istant: …
The dots blink and disappear so many times I stop watching it and lock my phone, throwing it against the mattress next to me.
We both said shit we probably didn’t mean. I know I didn’t mean half of what came out of my dumbass mouth but I can’t apologize if she won’t talk to me.
Am I leveraging my position as her not-boss boss to get her to communicate with me? Totally. And ya that probably puts a huge red flag next to my name in the HR handbook but that’s the least of my worries right now.
She needs to know that I don’t think she slept with me for the notoriety. I know she slept with me because I could barely keep my hands off her and once you plant that seed it’s hard to keep from watering it.
I don’t think I have ever apologized to a woman I slept with. Then again, my dick has been in less pussy than one might assume given my popularity in the media. A majority of the ones coming forward never even got the D from me. They tried, I declined, and then they ran away, whining about injustice.
What kind of world do we live in when a man turning down sex becomes an injustice for women? Shouldn’t we be applauding me for not sticking my dick in anyone with a hole between their legs? I should get a goddamn medal!
The chicks I work with are all fucking hot. Every single one of them. Turning down a woman that hot is like turning down water in the desert.
Carter is gorgeous, too.
And confident.
And challenging.
And came so beautifully for me.
That’s a sight I will never forget. Chasing her orgasm with my tongue, then her fingers tipping her over the edge while I got to feel every pulse and clench inside of her. The thought of it has me hard all over again.
The desperation in the way she said ‘fuck’ was unmatched. I have heard women throw that word around in the throws of sex.
Nothing compares to the way she breathed it so close to her peak. A plea to pull her back from the edge only for me to push her back over. This time together in tangled harmony.
A word that holds little strength with me using it nonstop held every power when said by her for the first time. She was so desperate, so needy, so fucking sexy.
All I can think about as I push my hand through the waistband of my flannel pants is if I could get her to say it again. If she will beg so pretty next time. If I can get her a next time.
Iamonsetbefore everyone else, my cruiser claiming the parking spot closest to the building. I sit in my office waiting for her. I have to keep rubbing my damp hands on my black jeans I am so damn nervous.
The soft knock tells me it's her, anyone else would have banged and yelled at me to help. She enters with my approval and the sight of her makes my stomach do weird shit. Her hair isn't in braids today, she barely looks like herself without them. Instead, her soft blonde hair is piled in a mass on top of her head.
How do girls do that? Take a messy thing and make it look so damn cute? It's a combination of freshly fucked and I don't care enough to put in the effort. I doubt she is freshly fucked, which means she was not in the mood for this. Somehow the thought that she might have come from a tryst ignites a flame of jealousy in my chest. It's only been a few days since I was with her, no way she would have.
"I'm sorry I didn't call or anything after what happened the other day. I…I lost my cool and panicked a little. I sounded like a jackass and I don't want you to think that's how I see you. I know you're not like the other women I have been with in the past that wanted their ten seconds of fame. Trust me, there are fewer of them than you think. And for whatever reason, they all have it in their minds that they need to blab to whoever will listen about what we did, or didn't, do."
Carter has moved against the wall next to the door. She doesn't make any motions like she has something to add so I continue.