Page 41 of Love and Horns
"I wanted to check on you. When we talked on Sunday you seemed more down than normal. I wasn't expecting you and her to…reconcile so quickly. I figured your stubborn ass would be dragging your feet to apologize. You're not one to admit when you're wrong," Ella explained, her voice low to avoid the echo from reaching Carter.
Her truth about me sucks to hear but also is based on honesty. She knows me better than anyone. The good and the bad. She knows firsthand how stubborn I can be. When I was nine or ten, we went to get dinner at Applebees. I hated Applebees and they all knew that, but that was the place they chose regardless.
After the three of them got out of the car, I locked all the doors and stayed in the car. Every time my dad tried to unlock it, I would press the lock button and lay on the horn. They agreed to eat at Texas Roadhouse after that. What can I say, I like the atmosphere of throwing peanut shells on the floor and waiters having to dance when a special song plays.
The next day, Ella attempted to surrender me for adoption to another family, complete with the paperwork she made herself. She went door to door in our neighborhood and everything. It didn't work, but I have to give credit for that effort. I wouldn't be surprised if she still has the papers somewhere.
"Believe it or not, I took your advice pretty much right after you gave it. We talked about things. As you can see, things are good between us. Why wouldn't you call first before flying out here?" I ask, trying to keep the anger in my voice tamed.
"I knew that if I did, you would avoid me. So I took it upon myself to check-in. You can't lie to my face and you know it. This was the only way I could be sure you'd tell me the truth."
Damn her and her wisdom.
"I'm fine unless this stunt freaks Carter out and she bolts again. If she does, I will be super fucking pissed at you."
I have mentioned Ella to Carter before. But having my little sister show up unannounced, especially when we were borderline naked in my bed, is a mood killer for sure. All I can hope is that everything we did before Ella walked in will keep the points in my column.
Carter emerges from behind the bathroom curtain, fully dressed but still emanating a freshly fucked aura.
Her lips are still red from our manic kisses.
Her cheeks are still rosy from how hot our bodies were while they tangled together.
I did that. I made her that way and fuck if I didn't love seeing the evidence of us on her. I couldn't help but wonder if there was more I couldn't see. Like if my cum was currently dampening her panties as she walked towards us. Or if she was sore from my unrelenting appreciation of her body.
Ella was the first to greet her, reaching out her hand and showing every ounce of enthusiasm she could muster. Leave it to her to make it a big deal. And maybe it was. My sister has never met someone who I am with. It feels borderline normal to be introducing two parts of my life together.
Not that I haven't wanted that connection with someone. It can be a challenge to get through all the fake people to find the ride-or-die ones. All the ones I have had before have been ride and blab. A trait I don't particularly care for, especially not when it comes to a girlfriend, or dare I even say, a wife.
Would Carter take on that role someday? Would she put her career aside to make a family? Not that it's always the woman's responsibility, but she has to grow them and there's only so much you can do with a pregnant belly getting in the way. Was that what I wanted? Miniature versions of her and I? Hopefully all the best parts of her and the least worst parts of me.
Step one: get her to not freak about your nosy sister barging in. Then take to wooing her into courtship.
"What do you say, bro?"
Fuck, what did she ask? Thankfully, Carter sees the blank stare in my eyes and rescues me.
"Ella is hungry from her day of traveling. I offered to take her out for a bite to eat. I mean, I assumed you would come too," Carter explains, touching my arm to anchor me back to the real world.
"Ya, sure, we can do that. I want to take a quick shower," I run my hand through my hair, feeling the remnants of grease from being in my hat all day mixed with sweat from our tryst earlier. I swear I can smell her on my hands but it could be my nose picking up on her scent nearby.
"I was going to run home and change, too. Should we plan to meet at Orion say 8:30?"
"Want us to pick you up?" I ask, trying to decide if it's because I want more time with her or because I don't want her to be out walking the town that late.
"No, I like walking, especially on spring nights."
All I can do is nod and then she is moving the heavy metal door and slipping through it.
I practically run to the shower to avoid any more small talk with Ella, Carter's scent follows me and I regret wanting to wash it off.
Itwasweirdbeingback at Orion. The last time I was there, Brett had me puking my brains out in the bathroom. This time, I turned down any alcohol. It would have been nice to have that extra push to relax, but as Ella and I warmed up to each other, it didn't seem as necessary.
Brett seemed unsure if he loved us getting along or loathed every moment. He could hide his feelings like a professional poker player. But earlier I thought I got a glimpse of his softer side. He opened up to me and not just by getting naked together. I saw him naked in a different way and it was just as magical.
Our fingers keep finding each other as we walk to his car. I tried to fight the ride home, but they both insisted I shouldn't be walking this late at night alone. I gave in, my body spent from work this morning, BK between my legs this afternoon, and walking back to my place earlier. I let Ella ride in the front seat. Best Of You by Foo Fighters fills the cabin at a volume that neighbors would complain about.
"Start it over," Ella says.