Page 43 of Love and Horns
Since I got into the scene, it has been nonstop and I am at the point now where I feel like I need space from it. From the headlines and the camera lights. Not that I could stand putting my camera away for long, but a change of scenery is warranted right now.
I want to see what can happen with Carter. I know Ella loves her, she wouldn't stop gushing over her after our dinner date.
My ass had barely hit the seat in the cruiser before she was babbling my ear off about how sweet Carter is and how she noticed the way I looked at her all night. How do chicks always notice that weird shit? Honestly, I think they make it up to make things seem more romantic than they are in real life.
I definitely don't hang off every word Carter has to say and I for sure don't laugh even when her jokes aren't funny.
Things are worse than I thought. This girl has me twisted up in knots I don't know how to untie. Not that I am making moves to free myself anyways, I like being in her trap.
We were supposed to see each other yesterday but she ended up having to cancel. I hope Ella wasn't too much for her. My sister can be a lot to take in on the first meeting but she means well. She has never seen me with a woman other than the bullshit published in the tabloids so I know meeting Carter was the highlight of her visit.
It would have been nice to know she was coming in the first place so I could have prepped Carter a bit. And made sure she had pants on at the very least.
Dancing with Carter felt almost as amazing as being balls deep inside of her. If I were to rank actions that feel strangely intimate, and didn't count sex, it would go: dancing, kissing, and peeing in the same room as the other person. In that order. The vulnerability of dancing with someone is strange, isn't it?
There is something programmed in our brains to make us feel self-conscious about how our bodies move to the music. I'm sure it has something to do with how we had to prove ourselves worthy mates back in caveman times or some shit. Now hundreds of years later, we think that how our hips sway to some pop hit determines if we are satisfactory as a companion.
Whatever the reason for it, our bodies found a rhythm together and I felt free. Zero pressure, zero worries, zero other cares in the world. All I could think about was how much I am falling for her and how hard I tried to not let it happen.
She slid into my DMs and under my skin at the same time. Now that she's in there, I can't imagine not knowing her. Not seeing her. Not feeling her clench around me as I bring her to climax.
Do I even know how to date someone? I want to fucking figure it out. If it means Carter will stick around, I need to.
My phone rings once again and I fight myself to answer. I shouldn't leave my agent on the hook like that and it could be important.
"I did what you asked Stan, no trouble, and the shoot went great. Why the hell are you blowing up my phone?"
"BK where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all day."
That's an exaggeration since all thirty of his calls have been within the last few hours, I hardly consider that all day.
"I'm here now. What's going on that is so dire?"
If it were anyone else looking in, this would seem like a rude way to talk to a professional, but Stanley and I go back far enough that I can get away with showing my true attitude. Not to mention, I am off the hook for borderline blacklisted so I have some wiggle room.
"Ovis called about some reshoots. I explained that you strive to capture their vision the first time and have never needed reshoots before with them. I don't know what their next move will be but I wanted to make sure you heard it from me first."
Fucking reshoots? That's total bullshit. Lacey was amazing and I know damn well she rocked every look they picked for her. Part of me wonders if this is a stunt from them to see if I will budge on my "no reshoots" rule. Do they want to see if I will quit? Our contract is fulfilled so there's no need for them to be playing my loyalty.
Refusing them will cut any chance I have of working with them in the future. Part of me doesn't even care about that. We had a good run with our partnership and I know that things are about to change for me. At least I hope they will with the addition of Carter in my daily life outside of professionally. My brain says stick to my guns.
"You know how I feel about reshoots, man. If I could have done it better I would have. Reshoots will need to be done by someone else. I know you were hoping for a different answer," I try to sympathize since I know it's him that has to report back to Ovis and piss them off.
"What the fuck, Brett. You need this. We can't afford to burn this bridge. I am having a hard enough time getting contracts for you as it is. We can't be screwing around with the only magazine still willing to work with you. Stop fucking around and do the reshoots dammit."
I consider myself fairly reasonable when it comes to my livelihood, but one thing I will not stand for is being told I have to do something to keep someone else afloat. The moment 'we' left Stanley's mouth, I knew it wasn't about my best interest for him anymore. It was about what he needed to pull off to stay relevant and on the radar.
It's not just the talent that gets blacklisted, but the representation too, if they leave a bad impression. At this point, I couldn't give two fucks about Stanley's reputation. His job is to help me and support my decisions, guiding me gently to keep me on the right path. Dragging me down the path he wants by my fucking hair is not part of his job description.
"Thanks for that insight, Stan," I start before bashing him into the ground. "Now seems like as good a time as ever to let you know I no longer need you as my agent. It's been fun and you have done a fuckton for me, but now, you've overstayed your welcome. So you can fuck all the way off."
As soon as the words leave my lips, I feel almost as free as I did when we danced two nights ago, and I know this is the right thing. I have no clue what I'm going to do now, but at least it won't be against my will.
All I want now is to tell Carter.
Ihaven'theardfromCarter in what feels like forever. I sent her a message when Ella decided she was going to meet up with some old friends from high school in town. Her response was cold and impersonal saying she couldn't meet up and then I didn't hear anything more. I knew it was awkward getting caught dancing naked by my little sister, but I thought we cleared that up with our even more awkward dinner together.