Page 7 of Love and Horns
“Listen, I need you to stay out of my way. I don’t want a second shooter, but my agent is insisting I have one to keep up appearances. Stay close by in case I need something, but stay out from underfoot. I will make sure you get paid well for your cooperation. Make a scene and I will be sure you never work in this industry. Got it?”
I nod, not knowing how to even combat what he is saying. My hopes of learning from him are shattered on the floor like a vase knocked over by a curious kitten. I didn’t even expect that they would pay me, so I guess that is a perk. Maybe I can still network while I am on set and this won’t be a total bust? I know I need to go along with this, even if it hurts.
“Got it,” is all I can force out for a response. BK points to a chair near him, not too close that we would look like colleagues, but close enough that he can easily ask for things without having to raise his voice too high. After I hoist myself onto the high-rise chair, I see that I have a clear view of the screen where the proof shots will display. This might not be the worst thing. Even if BK refuses to teach me, I can take what he is doing on set compared with how the image comes out and make conclusions about how to get that myself.
I can be civil.
I can be an ornament.
I can make this work.
Lacey stands still while they test the lighting and composition, moving just enough to give interest to the test shots. I wonder how long she has been in the business and if this is the first time she has worked with BK. He seems mellow towards her, which could be the façade he has decided on today. To everyone except me, of course.
As the first round of poses wraps up, I have met all the logistical crew, the creative director, and Nora’s Teacup Puggle, Gucci. I have barely left my chair. There are no more demands except to take his empty coffee cup from next to him. People naturally flock this way to observe and I have taken it upon myself to meet them all. I am careful to keep my voice quiet, so I don't disturb Lacey or BK while they are working. I heed the warning from BK:cause a scene and I will be sure you never work in this industry.
Surely he doesn’t expect me to sit here and not talk to anyone! I am weird like that. I can sit home and be perfectly content alone. Yet, in certain social situations, I love meeting new people. Rory’s party was not one of those scenarios. Being on set around people in the industry, working a job I love, is where I thrive.
@CarterCapturedisafuckingchick. As if the world isn’t already laughing in my face, now I have to work in proximity to yet another female specimen. It’s too late to fire her and find someone else. Nora already met her, which means she’s official.
I can’t help but feel like I am being set up for failure. Most of the bullshit gossip going around is from female coworkers, which makes Carter part of the focus group studying how to wreck my name. Did someone put her up to this? Did they know I would hire her in the hopes I would fuck it up? One thing is for sure, I’m watching my back around her. And fuck if I am going to let on that this shit is getting under my skin. Now I really need to conduct myself professionally on set.
The best way to keep her at arm’s length is to literally send her away. Right now, she's fetching me coffee. I even made sure she went to the Starbucks further away. I need her out long enough to get my shit set up without distractions. Adam was always on set before me and took care of this shit, but now I am in charge of it myself. If I am being honest, I don’t want an audience in case I fuck it up and have to Google how to do it correctly.
It's been a few years since Patrick taught me how to set up my equipment. A perk of being a big shot I suppose. Now I have people to do the grunt work for me. At this moment, I want nothing more than to figure this out on my own. Back to the basics where I first learned my craft to revisit my roots.
Lacey, our primary model for this shoot, ventures over to introduce herself. She is a pretty girl with a unique look. Her jawline makes a soft heart shape. Dark emerald eyes perfectly spaced above a petite, centered nose. Her caramel skin is smooth and without flaws. It looks like they didn’t have to plaster her face with concealer which is a nice change. Young, but not too young. She is a good fit for the trendy Ovis brand. They need fresh faces and I have never seen Lacey before.
I applaud her for taking charge and introducing herself to me, knowing that my reputation precedes me and that must be intimidating for a rookie model. Her body moves with a confident flow that will be so easy to capture through my lens. I know this will be a great partnership and my creativity is pulsing from my ears to my toes. Bonus, she seems like the type that wouldn’t go to therapy.
“Good morning. I wanted to introduce myself quickly before I went to wardrobe. My name is Lacey Lincoln. I know I am new to Ovis, but I came in ready to work.” She keeps her head held high while she talks but doesn’t reach for my hand to shake it. My hands are too full for that shit.
“Lacey, as much as I appreciate the introduction, I am balls deep in this right now. I’ll see you once you’re camera ready and we can finish intros then,” I respond, trying to keep my frustration and sarcasm to a minimum and failing miserably. My first attempt to be nice on set this time and here I am telling the principal to fuck off somewhere else. Nailed it, BK.
She gives me a quick nod and turns to retreat before I can apologize for being cold to her. Fuck, now I need that coffee and I’m regretting sending Carter across town.
Iamimpressedwithmyself as I secure the last pole knowing that I set this up myself for the first time in at least five years. Lacey and a small entourage carrying the back of her gown approach me again and I am in a much better headspace for this now.
“This look is perfect for your frame,” I attempt a compliment without coming off creepy or unprofessional. “Thanks for the space earlier so I could finish setting up. I didn’t want you waiting for me. Your co-star Theo had a scheduling conflict, so it’s all about you today. Thanks for being flexible.”
So much for it not being creepy. I feel like a fucking publicly correct robot, saying all the right things to keep the talent happy. This is what Stanley needs from me. This is what my career depends on. Put on a happy fucking face.
“No problem. It’s nice to get our chemistry going before adding someone else to the mix.” She pauses and her flushed cheeks shine through the layers of makeup. I can’t help but let out a chuckle. Her statement doesn’t have a sexual undertone, but my mind goes straight to the gutter.
“Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean it how it came out. That sounded… I just meant like our work chemistry, that’s all. Shit, I should just stop talking now,” her eyes cast down and I see a figure approaching us. I need an interruption and a coffee now more than before.
Lacey and I finish our talk, minus any further innuendos, before I acknowledge Carter has returned. I approach her with targets set on the Americano I desperately need. I take a long sip and can feel my muscles relax instantly. Coffee is almost as good as an orgasm. Almost.
Carter stands watching me, anxious about what I might demand of her next. Part of me can’t help but wonder if she is always so willing to follow orders. Her outfit is stylish but understated. Her hips hold up a pair of black jeans that fit like a dream, every ripple showing where her thicker parts are.
Her soft pink tank top peeks out through a loose-knit black sweater. In any other profession, this outfit would be too casual. But here, we can recognize the stylistic choices she made to not only be comfortable but functional. I mean, she attempted to assemble an entire lighting system on her own.
Lacey has assumed her position on set, her entourage now fluffing her dress to perfection and touching up any spots where her makeup isn’t just right.
I turn my attention back to Carter now, knowing we are alone and no one else can hear what I am about to say to her.
“Listen, I need you to stay out of my way. I don’t want a second shooter, but my agent is insisting I have one to keep up appearances. Stay close by in case I need something, but stay out from underfoot. I will make sure you get paid well for your cooperation. Make a scene and I will be sure you never work in this industry. Got it?”
Harsh, yes, but of all the people on set right now, she seems like the most likely to give me trouble. Someone from outside the industry here can threaten the dynamic and go off spreading fake news. I am hoping she will sit and obey without me having to threaten her further. She nods compliantly before replying with a simple “Got it.”