Page 24 of Elemental Evolved
Finn lingered behind. “I know this isn’t how you wanted this to go, and I know you’ve sacrificed and been through so much for these stones…I guess I just want you to know that I see you and love you, and I can’t wait till this is all over and we can fall into bed together for a week.”
“I love you too, Finneas. Always will,” I said before popping up on my toes and kissing him on the cheek. He turned at the last second so our lips grazed against one another, sending a ripple of need through me.
I couldn’t give in, though, not if I wanted to make it through whatever was going to happen at the wedding, so I pulled away. “I’ve got to get ready,” I whispered before I headed to the en suite bathroom.
The hours seemed to disappear as I tried to mentally and physically prepare myself for anything because, at this point, I didn’t trust Timmon not to try and toss us in a volcano or something, not that I thought Agartha had volcanoes, but still.
Finally, I left the back bedroom and tried not to feel self-conscious about the dress when I emerged. Every realm had something they seemed to want on display, but they were always folded or padded, or even just had some embellishments where they needed to be on the chest to prevent any kind of wardrobe malfunctions, but not this dress.
This was just a slip. A slinky, satin, luxurious slip the color of spun gold. It had a couple loose pleats in the bust and was held up by two tiny spaghetti straps, but that was it. The back was pretty much nonexistent, and it pooled around my feet, making it difficult to walk in.
Still, the guys seemed to approve.
“You’re supposed to wear that? Are you sure that’s not for after the wedding?” Niall asked, his voice gravelly. His gaze was glued to me, and as he ran a hand over his mouth, I half wondered if he was wiping away drool.
Kai appeared from the room he’d trashed a second later wearing tan, almost gold, linen pants and nothing else. His gaze gobbled me up, and he silently held his hand out to me.
I wrapped one hand in the skirt of the dress and lifted so I could move. As I took his hand, he leaned down, so his lips brushed my ear as he said, “I can’t wait to claim you in that dress.”
A shiver ran over my whole body and goosebumps erupted on my arms. I couldn’t wait either.
“Is it time to go?” I asked, my voice coming out breathy and soft.
He nodded.
We all moved toward the main door of our suite, and as we began to leave, a group of guards closed in around us. My heart thudded in my chest, and I braced myself for whatever came next.
“Let those two through,” a guard standing further back said. “The rest of them stay.”
“What?” Finn demanded.
“This ceremony is for Agarthans only. You are not Agarthan therefore, you are not allowed to attend.”
“I’m not Agarthan either, though,” I said, trying to logic my way out of this situation.
“You will be by the end of the night one way or another,” the guard grunted.
I had no idea what he meant by that, but I was willing to take a guess. If Kai and I refused to perform the ceremony or something Timmon asked of us, he would force my hand or something like that.
With a sigh, I turned to the guys. “It’s okay. We’ll be back soon.” Mentally I added,If I call for you, then shit has hit the fan.
We’ll be listening,Niall and Dresden replied at the same time.
Griff and Finn both nodded, and I assumed that Dres had passed the message along. I gave them a smile and turned to face the music.
We were led to the same clearing as before, only this time, there were no tables or chairs, just blankets and pillows scattered around the very edge in a circle. As we appeared, so did Timmon and a woman in a coppery dress.
“Man, woman, and beast, gather and welcome the couple so devoted to each other that they would eschew everyone else for the rest of their lives.” A polite round of applause went up from the crowd that had filled in around the trees when I’d been distracted.
There were way more people there than I’d expected and nerves jangled in my belly.
“With this union, Tessa will become part of Agartha and be forever bound to its will,” Timmon said.
Panic flared bright and hot this time. The words were making it sound like there was more going on here than I initially thought. Kai would have told me if there was more to it, right?
I glanced at my groom, and he gave me a barely perceptible nod.
“Do you come to this of your own free will?” the woman asked.