Page 26 of Elemental Evolved
He was in me a second later with one hard thrust, and I did cry out then; there was no holding it back. Kai began to move like a man possessed; all I could do was take it. There was no keeping up with him like this. The only thing I could do was enjoy the ride.
It didn't take long for him to wrap himself around me and for his fingers to find my clit. Their swirling motion, combined with him thrusting into me from behind, had me ratcheting higher and higher toward my orgasm with every stroke.
The tension radiating out of him as he held back his pleasure in the hopes that I would find mine only intensified everything I felt. When my hands pushed into the dirt, I realized that Kai had fucked us right off the blanket. Without a headboard or anything to brace against, he was just slowly pushing us forward the whole time, and I hadn't even realized it, too consumed by what he was doing to my body to notice.
The scrape of the ground against my hands and knees added a different urgency to the sensations he was giving me, and I was so close to my orgasm I could scream. He held me there for a few seconds before pushing me over the edge, where I fell, screaming his name, into my pleasure.
Kai joined me, growling at me, though his voice didn't quite sound like his own, and when his teeth sank into my shoulder, I understood why. He must have at least partially shifted for him to be able to bite me like that. I wanted to say it was pleasurable, like Griff's bites, but it just hurt like hell. There was an odd satisfaction to it, though, knowing that I'd unraveled him so much that he'd gone feral and bitten me.
I started to collapse onto the ground, boneless from what we'd just done, even though Kai was still buried inside me when the priestess's face appeared in front of my own. "Congratulations, you're now Agarthan by marriage. Would you honor the earth by letting the evidence of your love flow onto the soil?"
My mind was blank, and I didn't know what to say, but Kai was more aware somehow and grunted, "Can you sit up, Tessa?"
I pushed to my knees and realized that, at some point, the slip had become completely shredded, and I was practically naked in front of everyone. They'd just seen me come, though, so I couldn't bring myself to care.
Carefully, Kai extracted himself from me and because of how I was sitting, with my legs still spread wide since Kai was still between them, fluid dripped from me onto the ground, and I realized this was what the priestess had wanted. Kai's arms wrapped around me, and he held me close, nuzzling and purring slightly as he covered me from curious gazes.
Some couples were going at it around the edges of the clearing, apparently inspired by our passion, while others had clearly left at some point since the crowd seemed to have thinned. I leaned back against Kai and just breathed as I stared up at the canopy of trees.
"Kin, tonight we welcome Tessa and Kai into the history of bound couples. Their union anoints the earth, and his bite marks her! None shall part them. Let us wish them a happy and fertile life together!" A round of applause went up, along with cheers. The people seemed genuinely happy that we were married, and I couldn't deny the lightness it brought to my soul.
A smile spread over my face, and I turned slightly to watch Kai. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and turned, placing a delicate kiss on my swollen lips. I reached up and rested a hand against his cheek, holding him there for a moment longer.
"Don't start something you don't want me to finish in front of these people again."
I snorted. "They've already seen it once. We can't be that interesting."
Kai growled and rolled his hips toward me, showing me just how little time he needed to be ready for round two. "They might be very interested in watching you ride my cock to orgasm, your breasts bouncing away as your ass slapped against my thighs. Maybe I could call the others down here, and we could really give them a show?"
I shuddered at the mental imagery he was painting. The idea of him being under me was intoxicating, and I resolved that the next time we were together, that would have to happen, but it wasn't going to be in front of Timmon, or at least not again.
When the leader crossed my mind, I looked around, only to find him gone. The priestess was gathering up the ceremonial blanket when I asked, "Did Timmon see? He knows that we fulfilled our end of the deal, right?"
She snapped up, standing as stiff as a board. "What?"
"The deal Leader Timmon made with me so I could get to the stone?" I repeated, not quite able to get my mind to work right after being with Kai.
Tension ran through Kai, making me nervous. "Were you at the welcome dinner, Priestess?"
She shook her head. "There was a sick child that needed care."
Kai cursed under his breath. "Leader Timmon told Tessa the only way she could reach the stone was if she was connected to Agartha by marriage. He said that he would show her where it is only after she was married and bound to Agartha."
The priestess dropped to her knees in front of me. "Child, did you not want this?" The horror that etched her face was enough to make my chest ache.
Before she could think the worst, I explained, "It wasn't how we planned it, but Kai and I do love each other. I only agreed to the deal if I could choose my husband, and I chose Kai. I'm just thankful he agreed, though Timmon wasn't exactly happy about that." I frowned at the end, remembering the guard he'd beaten. "Did you happen to tend to an injured guard?"
She nodded. "He is doing well. The idea that Leader Timmon corrupted the sacred vows of marriage and the binding of one person to another and that he demanded the traditional ceremony is abhorrent."
I felt like everything that had just happened was suddenly dirty and as though I should be ashamed. "I love Kai, and he loves me. How this came about is unfortunate, but the feelings behind it are real."
"I'm sorry, child. I didn't mean to insult your wedding. I am very, very happy for both of you. Kai, your mother would be so proud to see the fierce warrior you have chosen for a bride."
Kai's sharp intake of breath told me that he had no idea the priestess knew his mother until that moment. "Tessa, I'm sorry that this was forced on you. Believe me when I say that the people of Agartha are usually more civilized than this. We might be able to turn into animals, but that doesn't mean we have to act like them." She sniffed. "I will come to your rooms at dawn and personally escort you to the stone. I don't think Timmon believed you'd go through with it, so I doubt he was planning to take you to the stone. Now, go and get cleaned up and rest. I'm sure, no matter how I try to help, you'll have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."
I knew in my bones that she was right about that. Timmon was not going to be happy with the priestess’s actions, and if he tried to hurt this kind woman, there wasn't a chance in hell I would stand by and let it happen.