Page 12 of Knights of Past
“You sure you're going to be okay?”she asked me, making sure to be quiet this time, and it was my father’s turn to answer, now stepping up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.
“She won't be alone, my love.” It was at this point that there was a ruckus coming from behind them, before I heard the voices of three men I would recognize anywhere,
“Aye, lik' th' lassie said, she won’t be alone.”
“Trice!” I shouted as my parents parted, turning to watch as three unmistakable sights walked down the center. For there were three battle clad warriors striding across the throne room, dominating any space they were in and only stopping once in front of me. This was so as that they could each drop to a knee, each swinging their weapons around in front of them.
“My Queen,”Trice said, bowing his head before raising it enough to wink at me, making me giggle.
“Erh, Fae, you know these men?” my mum asked in an unsure voice that made me grin, one that was so big, it made my cheeks ache. Then I looked to my mother before telling her,
“Oh yeah, we go way back… isn't that right, boys?” They each rose back to their feet, but this time it was Griff who answered first, quickly followed by Vern.
“Oh aye, lass.”
“I wid say so.”
“Way back,” Trice added with a playful smirk, something that made my dad growl a little. I bit my lip and rolled my eyes at Trice, making him chuckle before I turned to face my parents ready to make introductions.
“Mum, Dad, I would like to introduce you both to the infamous McBain brothers.” My mum just grinned back but my dad, well clearly he had heard of them, as shock showed in his expression.
“You aided my daughter here?” I laughed at my dad’s question before telling them,
“Let's just say they saved my life a few times.” My dad shot me a look before then granting his whole attention on the three men in front of him. Then the King of Kings and ruler of the mortal realm stepped up to these three misfits and held out his hand,
“Then I owe you a great debt indeed.”
“That’s nae needed, as 'twas a pleasure 'n' a debt that haes bin paid wi' oor souls intact.” As Trice said this, he looked to me, making me gasp with realization at what he was saying. Lucius had returned their souls just like he had vowed to. I couldn't help but feel the tears rise up, before I rounded my parents and ran to him. Then I hugged Trice to me, surprising everyone else in the room yet again. I vaguely heard Dariush mutter,
“Good job my brother isn’t here, or I fear those souls wouldn’t have lasted.” I ignored this sneer, despite knowing that he was right, I wouldn’t have been able to get away with hugging my friend like this in front of Lucius. Of course, there was nothing in it more than friendship for me, but then again, it wasn’t my feelings that Lucius would have worried about.
Although with the way the room reacted, I wondered if I was to get away with this embrace without the whole realm talking about it, as it looked as if Hell was not immune to gossip.
“What? Never seen a badass girl hug a badass Scottish warrior before?! Seriously, I'm going to make hugging mandatory in this realm,” I shouted, and all three of my Scottish warriors laughed, even when my father rolled his eyes and my mum chuckled. As for Lucius’s brother, well I just ignored his groan of disapproval.
“No?” I questioned, looking back at him and making him chuckle this time.
“Hug a Demon day, I personally think it has a nice ring to it,” my mother agreed, making me laugh. As for my dad, he simply tucked her closer to his side and looked down at her with adoring eyes, before whispering something in her ear. And well, with the way she blushed, I most definitely didn’t want to know what it had been.
But then it soon turned out that the McBain brothers weren't the only ones who were happy to see me, as suddenly a woman appeared with wild navy-blue hair and white tips, shouting my name,
“Nero!” I shouted back, embracing her after I prepared myself for her throwing her body at me.
“Seriously, just how long was our daughter in Hell for?” I heard my mother mutter before my father answered in a dry tone,
“Only our daughter could be in Hell for few weeks before befriending half of it.” I smirked at this.
“Mum, Dad, this is…”
“Let me guess, Nero, is it?” my mother said with a smirk, whereas my father asked,
“Another person who saved your life perhaps?” At this I looked sheepish and said,
“We might have been through some stuff together.”
“Oh yeah, out running the HellHounds chasing us through the ruins of Tartarus were really fun.” My mother's face dropped, as well as my father’s, who looked slightly horrified before commenting dryly,