Page 41 of Knights of Past
“In that case, I think we should start your own car collection. Perhaps you have an affinity like your father for Ferraris.” I scoffed at this and said,
“Erm no, I was thinking more VW buses, all those cute little Beetles, like the love bug, Herbie.” His frown couldn’t have reached deeper levels if he tried.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he admitted after it looked as though I had just given him a headache, making me giggle.
“I know and really, that’s what makes it so much fun,” I teased, making him roll his eyes at me for the second time before ordering,
“Get your sweet ass in the car, wife.”
“Sure thing, my sexy Hubby,” I said, batting my lashes at him and making him groan,
“May the Gods have mercy upon my soul.”
“Too late for that now, buddy boy, we’re hitched,” I said, waggling my ring finger at him and this time, he couldn’t pretend any longer not to be amused, losing all power to hold back his grin.
“Ha! You smiled first, which means I win… now hand over the keys, handsome,” I said, making him scoff as if I had just told a joke.
“Yeah, that’s not happening, sweetheart,” he replied before opening his door and slipping inside behind the fancy sporty wheel. I rolled my eyes because… well, he couldn’t see me and I could get away with it. Then I raised up the passenger wing, AKA fancy ass door, and slipped in my seat next to him. After this, I huffed dramatically, telling him,
“Fine, but that’s blowjob Sundays out the window for you.” His response to this was to grant me a bad boy smirk that said it all. He was calling bullshit. In fact, I knew this when he said those exact words.
“I call bullshit.”
“Oh yeah, why is that?” I challenged folding my arms and turning his way. Which was when he informed me in an overly smug tone,
“Because, sweetheart…today is Sunday.”Of course he had been referring to when I had very recently dropped to my knees and given him a blow job in the shower. Damn him and his knowledge of the calendar.
“Well, obviously my threat starts from next Sunday,” I said lamely, making him mock,
“I am totally serious.”I totally wasn’t.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he said, calling my bluff yet again. However, when I opened my mouth to argue he purposely started up the engine. This was so my cocky reply was drowned out by the sound of the wind turbines switching on, making the car literally sound like a jet engine, even though the hyper car was all electric.
“I’m sorry, what was that you said, my love? Something about wanting to give me blowjobs every day of the week?”
“No, I said…!” Once again, I never got my words out as he took this opportunity to suddenly race the car out, revving it so that the sound echoed in the colossal space that was his garage. He chuckled when he saw my unimpressed face, and I had to try very, very hard to keep my face straight and maintain the facade of being pissed off.
Fuck, but I loved our banter.
However, after five minutes of silence and finally getting to witness this journey in reverse, I couldn’t help but start the conversation I knew we needed as we went speeding down the only single road that connected his castle hideaway to the rest of humanity.
“So, I think that we agree that our giant, mountain size can of worms has truly erupted like Mount Vesuvius now,” I said, trying my best to think of the right way to approach this and failing miserably.
“It has indeed, considering you’re now my wife,” he replied with a raised brow, no doubt wondering where I was going with this.
“Erm well, we never really got around to discussing how it was all going to work.”
“Well, sweetheart, when a man loves a woman the natural order of things is they meet, fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after together… in the same house, or castle,” he said, adding this part on the end as if this was the bit I was struggling with.
“I think you skipped a step… or in our case,maybe like a hundred,”I said wryly. However, he mistook this and said,
“No, I haven’t, as that step unfortunately isn’t on the cards for us, sweetheart.” I couldn’t help but tense hearing this, as I knew exactly what he was saying. I bit my lip at what part of our future he was referring to as there was never going to be any pretty little Amelias or handsome little Lucius’ running around our mountain home.
I don’t know why I was only thinking about this now, as it seemed foolish to only be considering the fact that we wouldn’t be having children. Of course, I hadn’t been taking the pill and it’s not like we had been using contraceptives. But then I remembered this didn’t particularly matter before, as a supernatural could withhold that part of himself back so as not to get a mortal pregnant. And well, as for now, well I was no longer mortal so that meant it most definitely wouldn’t be on the cards for us. As let’s just say that the Fated supernatural baby boom had come and gone thanks to my aunty Ari.
Besides, we’d had enough sex and in turn, I’d had enough periods to know that pregnancy was not in the Fates for us. It wasn’t like something magical was going to happen after our wedding night.