Page 45 of Knights of Past
“At this point, it doesn’t even matter.”
A feeling that continued and strengthened every time I looked over at the three quirky hens still pecking at each other’s wedding ideas. Which was why thirty minutes later, I was already on my fourth glass of champagne when I felt Lucius come up behind me as I was still watching the ‘wedding war’ continue. Now it seemed they had moved on from the weather and were now on table settings.
“Well, that looks like fun,” he commented dryly, making me reply,
“Yeah, we’re totally screwed.” Then he chuckled before reminding me,
“It’s our wedding, Love.”
“Is it though?” I asked in that questioning tone, making him laugh again.
“I mean, at this rate we will be getting married in the same place my parents did, it will be while leaves are falling, saying our vows under an inflatable alter… yeah, don’t ask,” I said after turning back to face the bar where I had been hiding ever since making my escape.
“Sweetheart, we can do this your way… they are just excited, but I am sure it will calm down…”
“Pip, that’s ridiculous! They are not having a petting zoo at their wedding!” my mum shouted, making Pip gasp and as for me, I just glanced back at Lucius.
“I hope you’re not allergic to elephants and monkeys… at this rate our ring bearer will be a sloth, but hey, it gives you plenty of time to back out as the little guy makes it way down the aisle… just promise to take me with you,” I joked, making him throw his head back and laugh even harder this time. Then he pulled me in closer, grabbed a fresh bottle of bubbly from the bowl of ice and said,
“How about we get out of here right now?” I looked around the room and back at him before whispering,
“Really? You think we can get away with it?” Lucius winked at me and said,
“Well, they are now talking about evening entertainment, so I think we are good for the next hour at least.” At this I grinned big and took his hand, ready to run off with him, but stopping just in time to scoot back a few steps to grab an extra bottle, making him laugh when I said…
“Just in case.”
“Okay, so just to be clear, I am admitting it before you comment that yes, that last bottle was a bad idea,” I said as my knight in a dashing black suit carried me down from the rooftop after it was clear the champagne had well and truly gone to my head. Although I had to also confess that it had taken me a lot to get me to this point, as I had sneaked down twice to get extra, meaning we had just finished our fourth bottle.
As for the party, well this seemed to have finished as, clearly, we had lasted longer than everyone else. So, the moment we got to the doors to our apartment, I told him to stop. He then allowed me back to my feet so I could sneak over to the double doors that lead back into the club.
“Listen,” I said, putting my ear to the doors.
“I don’t hear anything, Love.” This is when I gave him a cheeky, naughty look and said,
“Exactly!” Then I grabbed his hand and said, “Come on!”
He chuckled at my drunken fun, but let me drag him through into the VIP anyway. As suspected, it was empty, but then, I wasn’t surprised considering we had been dancing together on his rooftop until a morning glow was starting to show. We had actually managed to sneak away from the party for most of the night, only going back down every now and again just to show our faces. This became a bit of a game for us, as I started on one side and he on the other and whoever could meet in the middle the quickest after making small talk with people, won.
Of course, now it was empty I could actually see how different it all looked. It was modern but also still managed to maintain that Gothic industrial vibe, with its exposed iron girders on the walls and ceiling, in between bare, exposed brick. New booths had also been added, framing the space with cool twisted-metal frames and deep red leather upholstery. Other seating was also dotted throughout the space, surrounding what now looked like a new charred black wooden dancefloor at the centre. A long bar now replaced where there had once been dancing booths, which had been my first clue that Lucius had tamed down his VIP.
“Oooh, I love what you’ve done with the place,” I said teasingly after letting go of his hand and walking further in the room. Then I turned back to face him, making him raise a brow at me before I said,
“No, seriously, I could hardly see anything when it was full but now you can really tell… it’s gothic snazzy.” He laughed again before muttering,
“Oh, Gods, please tell me I am in for another drunken dance.”I smirked at him over my shoulder before I decided, what the hell… he was due one. So, I sashayed back over to him, flicked his tie once and said,
“I’m hardly dressed for line dancing.”
“I’ve a great imagination, Pet.” I chuckled at this before grabbing his tie and using it to lead him to his new sexy ‘lord of the club’ couch, telling him,
“Come on then, cowboy, what are we waiting for?” Again, he laughed but allowed me to lead him to the centre of the large, curved sectional where he allowed me to push him down into the seat. It was a larger, more lavish version of the booth seating, with thick curls of black iron claws dug deep into the wooden flooring. It looked like some Demonic sea creature was rising up and someone had thrown a padded blanket of dark red leather over the top, meaning the seats were wherever it had settled on the frame.
“Now if I only had music,” I said, tapping my lip as he shrugged out of his suit jacket, tossing it to the side. But then as soon as I said this, all it took was a nod from Lucius and a sexy, slow beat started to flow from the stereo system, now filling the VIP with the seductive music.